Cal/mag.......why did my plants go to shit after adding?


Could just be the fact that your plants already had the problem and it just progressed. A day when a problem looks minor the next day it could be brutally worse even if you happen to make a change. Sometimes when you catch the problem or narrow it down even if you treat it the mix you have could still have traces lingering. Make sure you flush them out really really good. I couldnt imagine that a low dose of cal/mag hurt your plants. I use the stuff heavy every watering. Keep ppms and nute mix very simple until you get it down pat. Good luck
That looks like major heat burn. Did you have your lights to low on the curled leaf ones. The ones that are OK! do you remember if they had the light a little higher or not?. I have 18, 1000 watt lights in one off my rooms and if the shades are not up high enough mine will cook and look just like that. This happened last week when I had my partner look after them, luckily I stopped by in time to see what was going on. I just saved them they still burnt though. What I would do is put the burnt plants to the side of the light so there is no direct light on them and they stay cool. Flush them and then light feed them next time. Keep them in the shade though and if they have good genetics they will turn around.