Cal, mag, or potassium? Emergency help

george xxx

Active Member
you are creating this issue with all that cal mag. stop.
yes all the crap is the problem but is not being deficient. You have nutes getting locked out and have no idea what the problem is. You flushed and now adding more unbalanced nutes :?: :?: :?:
When you have a nute problem but do not have a definate handle on the issue guessing will only make it worse. When plants get screwed up with nutes often the best solution after the flush is a light feeding 1/4 to 1/2 strength with balanced organic food. 10-10-10- or 20-20-20. Balanced organic foods cannot burn. Balanced is not a guess. It levels the playing field. Watch new growth and see what happens there is nothing you can do for the damage already done.


My food has always been organic minus the cal mag, and was always 1/2 strength, the only thing I did full cal mag. Can I still continue my organic feeds


And no I started using balacend as soon as I got the ph meter what was shortly after the bio bizz ( 3 days) and I flushed then added balance nutes at half, took away the cal mag from the mix, two days, then just water for 4 days now tomorrow I will start the half nutes back up, still with out the nutes