Cal, mag, or potassium? Emergency help


Haven't seen anything on the leaves at all, but noticed a lot of ants, I flushed each plant today with 10 gal, think it will do the trick?


Well-Known Member
I would check the bottom of the leaves for spider mites, I saw several holes in your leaves. All those little brown spots look like mites have been chewing on them.


I've inspected really close and no mites, I no I got some grass hoppers and slugs and what not, but my real problem is this brown spotting and almost pin head sized pale grey dots, the stems on leaves are purple- redish, and the stems aren't as strong, the water IGot is filtered well water. Could this be damaging? All the plants around that are getting the runoff are looking great ...


Think I've nailed the problem it's a Mn problem, any suggestions on a fast absorbing way? Foil feed ? Any suggestion on products using bio bizz right now


Well-Known Member
MANGANESE (Mn) Necrotic and yellow spots form on top leaves. Mn deficiency occurs when large amounts of Mg are present in the soil. Foliar feed with any chemical fertilizer containing Mn.

There should be an adequate amount of Mn in your bio bloom. Try adding a little more of it next time.


I have pics but not sure on how to get them up , all I got is a iPad,but it's exactly that ! Small bleach spots, the spotting, I had a guy comment on you tube and it clicked, but I seem on the bloom it doesn't say that there is any in it,only Mg. But notice on my top max and root juice that it says there's .003% Mn in both bottles, and I wasn't using the topmax yet or the root juice because there full plants, so this could be where my def is coming from, no? Because all my fert and nutes I was giving I didn't see any Mn in there, and the organic soil obviously ran out of its fert. What yah think?


Also I've been adding the recommend amount already! 20 ml pergal
this is my first attempt at a " pro grow " so to speak


Well-Known Member
GH Flora Bloom has 1.5% Mn. I use the Flora series and have never had an Mn def. You could add some to your mix or get your ph down to around 6.2 because high ph also causes Mn def. I think it was caused by too much cal-mag and high ph in your situation?


Def, heres what I did stupidly in a panic, before I had gotten my cal mag I was freaking out so I got chealted zinc because I thought that was my issue, here's the dumb part I put 1-2 tablets in the pots to fast act, the realizing i had gotten my pictures mixed up reading the 420 mag def guide realized it, panic again so I have some calcium vitamins that me or you would take, crushed a bunch up and dumped powdered calcium on top of the soil so it'd water in...... Fucking dumb I know. And before all these def showed up I never ph the water.... So most likely it was a ph issue that I've turned into a giant fuck in the ass. So I've cut out my cal mag, flushed them and dug out what was left of the zinc and crossing my fingers.

Note it def seemed to have gotten worse and progressed fast whe I added the cal mag, but it also seemed like it was fixing a Mg def as well.

But idk if that's gonna fix it, too much cal,now I got a potassium issue, but I'm still giving my fish mix and veg fert at half does that are high in potassium should I cut that out of the diet as well as the cal mag?


And dude much appreciated on responses ! Thanks man

I know I'm the root of my own problem, and what I did is causing more and different deficiency, but I lost at how to get to the Root problem to clear everything else up.

So when in doubt, flush 'em out?


Just took it out the diet, would it be wise to give them just water fora couple days? Give them a break from everything, the. Introduce it back with out the cal mag?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd flush then add light nutes. I suspected mites in the beginning since they are outdoors but you nailed it, Mn def. No better way to learn than by your own mistakes :)


Yes very true just frustrating, on top of the Mn, I've got the K def lol ughh lol but ya I flushed adding my nutes with Mn and taking out cal mag completely and hoping my ladies will like that.

Ya I noticed some hoppers eating some leaves, but I was almost hoping for bugs lol may have been easier to fix, or quicker.


I say Dankskank nailed it the first time with saying you have spider mites. I'm currently trying to win the war against them myself. You can't see them even with a magnifying glass, at least the ones I have. I've read you need at least 30x mag to see some of them. I'd get a good magnifier and definitively rule out mites before screwing up all the nutes. I went down that route myself because I couldn't see any bugs either, and 3 weeks into flowering I had lost half of my (only) plant. Damn things will kill your plant if you don't control them. Oh, and I never saw a single web either. But the spider mite treatment has her looking green and healthy again.

I just looked at your video on YouTube from Aug 9. If its not spider mites, I'll eat my hat. Since you're doing an outside grow, it will be easy for you to spray them all down. Just a spraying with plain water will physically knock many of the mites off, but you'll still need something to get rid of them. Being outside though, I suspect they'll keep getting reinfested so you'll have to re-treat to keep them under control through the end of your grow. If you search the forum, there are lots of organic treatments you can use like Neem Oil, rosemary oil, and a spray made from habaneros peppers. Adding a tsp or so of dish soap per quart of spray used also helps. When I was in college, long, long ago, spraying the undersides of the leaves with dish soap was THE treatment but the buggers are hardier now. Good luck, they're a pain in the ass.


Ive been on vaca can wait to check them out tom, and cool thanks for the tips, becaus ei had a spider mite prob before but I could see them so if still looking like there spotting/eatin, I will spray these bad boys down before I used the tobacco method but this was befor flowering, think it would still be safe to do during flowering?