@GrowUrOwnDank hey man can you look at my issue for me sorry to bug you.
Not sure bro. Def not an expert on soil. I do Hempy and Lucas and use 7 grams of Maxibloom and 1/2 to ml of CalMag every feed. I get some yellow leaves from time to time and just kinda pull them off. Other than that my enviro seems to be pretty friendly with regard to RH, temps, and whatever. I just don't have a lot of problems. I would ask the soil guys about this. As for mold? I have an air filter in my house with UV. It kills mold spores. I don't know if it will fix mold(I've never had anything but the white powder kind) I do think it may help to prevent it.
As for the opiates. Grats on getting that monkey off your back. Not sure about going Cold Turkey on the methadone. I know a guy who recently had to be admitted to the hospital. I guess he ran out and his doc was on vaca or something and he couldn't get more. It was pretty sad to wintness the pain and struggle he was going through. And some of us just can't use that addictive stuff rec style. We are predisposed for instant addiction. I learned that in my 20's. I wasn't on opiates, just pills and what not. Been clean for 20 years. Best of luck my brother. Stay strong.
Not bugging me. If im on the RIU. Im just killing time.