Cal mag additive in recycled soil?


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Epsom salts are dear as fuck at pharmacy here and my online order is late. Would you use a cal mag additive from growshop to correct a deficiency if you planned to re use that soil a few more countless times?



Well-Known Member
You can use dolomite lime and it's cheap from ag stores. I use a 50/50 mix of dolomite and gypsum in soil I reuse constantly and I think it works pretty good. I think about once a month is a good time for re-ammending with it.


Well-Known Member
dole lime and gypsum take a long time to break down. Crab meal and neem meal have cal and mag. Rock.dust has trace amounts of both. Kelp meal has cal. Just brew a tea of any of those. Keep in mind too much cal will lock out mag and vice versa.


I forgot about oyster shell flour. That has both too and is soluble.
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Well-Known Member
Dolomite has the wrong magnesium/calcium ratio. It could bind up your soil. Oyster shell flour and aragonite flour are pure forms of calcium carbonate...much better sources. Hi-cal agriculture lime also a nice choice. I personally use 1/2 cup aragonite flour and 1/2 cup of gypsum in my no til garden and don't see much problems. I also use crab shell, rock dust, kelp, and neem as hyroot mentions but not necessarily for their calcium content.


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Epsom salts are dear as fuck at pharmacy here and my online order is late. Would you use a cal mag additive from growshop to correct a deficiency if you planned to re use that soil a few more countless times?

A light BSM tea will provide both of those micros as well.


Well-Known Member
I use 1/ 2 cup of dolomite lime per 7 gallons, with 1 cup of oyster shell per 7 gals, or 1 cf of soil.