Caged plants yeh or ney?

Day to Daze

Active Member
I have seen a photo on here as if been lurking and i cant for the life of me find the thread again to show you ..

it was of a plant with a cage around the it the cage was as wide as the bucket and wider at the top ... the plant fit inside nicely with the colas all at the top . .

PLEASE post the photo if you have come across it ...

is it a good idea.. i mean it would be cleaner.. more space... but would it grow well ... easy to move the plants around..

i would love to grow this way if its worth it .. you wouldnt need to worry about how bushy a strain was or not because they all grow the same width in the cages anyway ..

shed some thoughts thanks :)

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't think it would be as good as a SCROG unless you were to cut out the bottom of the cage maybe so the pot can be big and the cage could be raised. Yeah it sounds like a pretty good idea though.

Day to Daze

Active Member
I don't think it would be as good as a SCROG unless you were to cut out the bottom of the cage maybe so the pot can be big and the cage could be raised. Yeah it sounds like a pretty good idea though.

the cage i was lookign at wasnt square it followed the shape of the bucket getting wider the further up it went .. .it had an open top ... and open bottom which i gues is just stuck into the clay pellots or soil.

it was more for keeping the plant in a certain space so it doesnt grow a ridic shape or anything ... i mean this way you cna have more plants close together without them all blending together.


Well-Known Member
I'm just a newbie at this mate but wouldn't that stop the light from reaching the lower leafs if they are all crammed together?

Day to Daze

Active Member
yeah but this way it would be easy to hang lights froma cord down below the canopy to access these leaves... ...hmm
but yeah i suppose if its bushy they wont have acces to it .. hmmm ..... i need to try figure that part out aye lol ..


Well-Known Member
They're called tomato cages, I've used both cages and sticks and I like the cages better. Just make sure you spread the branches out after you put the cages on. I put my cages on at 3 weeks of flowering. If I don't, I have plants that fall over cuz of the weight of the buds. I top and lollipop my plants so that all 4 big colas are at the top and no energy is wasted on growing the lower branches


Active Member
cages work great for holding up heavy buds and also allowing you to train the lower branches out where they get more light for larger bud growth down low. tomato cages work, but i find going to home depot and buying a square of the welded wire mesh(4" x 4" squares) they use to reinforce concrete( looks like fencing) and cutting it to the size you need to just fit around your pots works very well.

Day to Daze

Active Member
cages work great for holding up heavy buds and also allowing you to train the lower branches out where they get more light for larger bud growth down low. tomato cages work, but i find going to home depot and buying a square of the welded wire mesh(4" x 4" squares) they use to reinforce concrete( looks like fencing) and cutting it to the size you need to just fit around your pots works very well.
yeah nice... ill do that .. my first batch is 9 big bud... in about a 4 x 4 space... so ill want to do that to stop the area being flooded with leaves...

when you lolipop them .. does it not damage plants for shock them too much to cut off lower folage? i heard it can hermie plants?