Cabinet Grow w/ tons of pics! bagseed 7weeks ,3 plants, 1 lst


Active Member
straight to it,

Lights- 30w 3500k, 2 26w 6500k, 1 42w 6500k, 1 42w 2700k

got a mini fan blowing through a opening in the back for air circulation, painted inside all white, have the 30w, 2 26w, and a 42w 6500k on the top 4 sockets surrounding the top of the plants, and bottom of the plants, next to all the pots is the 42w 2700k for side growth... box is bright as a bizatch! and the cabinet height is adjustable. for now keeping them in check and as low as possible for ez LST, so got the major one (the one in the white pot) lst already with paper clips... only bout 7 weeks into it now, long seedling stage cause of troubles for bout a month, but once potted into the pots with nutes and lights they took off fast....
Got pics from after they got repotted to now, and they grow pretty damn fast.... all of them are mid bagseed... lets see if you can tell which 2 are same and which isnt :)

6-8inch pots, scotts premium garden soil with 19-6-12 plant food

below are the posts with pics!
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Active Member
first pic is after repotted on july 1st
2nd pic is is 17th
3rd is just now 20th
and last one is the paper clip lst

bottom of it i see that leaf damage, anyone know what it is? whatever it is, its just that 1 leaf, and its very slowwww in damageing it

this is the best one so far, we call it Fern, its pointing towards the light pretty well, and looks like its branches are takein off like new tops lol


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Well-Known Member
nice pics mate ... keep up the good work and grow safe .... i will be looking forward to seein your progress


Active Member
nowwww, to all that made it possible!!!!.... the grow cabinet!!!!

pic one is the cabinet in hidden mode.....

pic two is how i let the fan sit there, just cut square half way and tie it and let it stand.... i can close the flap to b in hidden mode....

pic three. is the light setup without the plants, i can move that shelf up plent more if i need too, and that surge protector also

pic 4 is lights and plants

pic 5 is same thing but with lights on, its bout 1 inch or less to the lights, got good air so no burns



Active Member
WHEEEEW, finally, any comments welcome, any help is welcome as well :)
now a pic of me sleeping after all this is done... hard movin those plants when your my size...


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Active Member
just checked... im pretty sure all 3 are female... are the hairs that come out suppose to turn brown fast? and its not hairlike like i thought, it started green and turn brownish


Active Member
update! some recent pics!

first pic and 2nd pic is after i repotted them in gallon jugs 7/25

and next 3 are after they have grown a little and lst'ed 7/27

and i think that they are all confirmed female... (i saw this thing bigger then hair strand come from all of the branches and nodes... starts green and then turns brown hair... is that a pistil or something else? anyone know?)



Active Member
sorry for no updates, but takes long time and im the lazy type of smoker lol bongsmilie but anyway, they grew too big for the cabinet, so i moved it into the cabinet, mixed lights and pretty nice set up,

1 65w 6500k
1 42w 2500k
1 42w 6500k
2 26w 2500k
1 30w 3500k

hell of alot of bud sites, and seeing the differance in these 2 different type of strains haha, just started to get frost on em, so im hopeing for the best!!!

so tell me how they lookin???



Active Member
LOL hell yea I do, put alot of time, money, and work into it... But its ok... Alot of TLC for THC haha


Well-Known Member
man those were some bushy ladies, reps to yu, also anub wanted ot know what soil ferts to use so i gonna quote yu! reps