Cabin Fever is taking a family break....


Well-Known Member
Lol wants to be a big time breeder but has name chuckinthapollen. Which is a negative term, right? To just chuck pollen isn't very good breeding. Fuckin tard.


Well-Known Member
Another whole thread of shit I waded through to hear you say something funnier than you did when you said that you would date swerve if you were a chic. You really let me down Chuck. You raised the bar so high, now you just keep repeating jibberish, what the fuck, chuck? I swear I am going to go read some other stupid shit, if you don't start producing.


Well-Known Member
Hey Swallowthacock,

I was serious about that swan dive off a tall building buddy... Do us all a fucking favor you waste of fucking oxygen.

Now you are bashing Swerve, because everyone called you out on representing Cali Connect...

only reason hes bashing swerve and gdp is cause they were his riu freinds and now there not guys fucked in the head and the only freind hes got is god who he talks to. if I was god I wouldn't talk to that nut.