cabbage leaves?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
So my big bud seedlings are doing good at 3 weeks now. I also have 3 bag seeders that are kinda funny looking.
The first set of leaves they grew looked kind of twisted. I attributed it to bagseed and didnt pay attention, now, they look extemely healthy but the fan leaves are extremely short and fat. Reminds me of dark green cabbage or maple leafs. I will post pics in my grow update tonight.
Anyone every see something like this and how did they turn out?

Here is one, others are in my journal


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Hoe much you feeding them. I have checked the growfaqs and may suggest nitrogen toxidity.


Well-Known Member
Until tommorow I am on my first tub of water which is mixed at 1/4 strength. It has been flooding for 2 weeks. I will be changing out my water tommorow and remix and ph.


Well-Known Member
Ive had many big bud seeds that started of with cabbage style leaves dont worry about it,some of the cabbage style ones turned out to be the best bigbud i had ever smoked:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
No, the big bud is fine, developing nicely, it is the 3 bag seeders that look funky, even they are very healthy looking, just wide fat funky leaves. The new growth seems normal though so maybe I have already worked through it. they look like a begonia or something!