Looks awesome !! Mine are looking a little sad and droopy
I cant figure it out ...check out my thread

Ok will do!
looking good recu, the netting is going to be full by the time you have finished

So I have been veggin for allmost 2 months, how much long do you reckon before I should flower?
nice grow man!!!! shes lookin super nice
im doing a lil led pc grow planning on scroggin them just waiting for them to get alill taller to reach my net.
id say throw it in flower now depending how much more space you have since it will double in size she will be nice bushhyy.:peace:
Day 48: 1st off sorry for not delivering on lots of pic during the res change my batteries died after4 shots. Now on to the grow I am very concerned about how the right side is not filling up yet. I am running out of space on the left side do I have reason for concern? During the RES change I found more brown slime The RO water did'nt help much so I switched back to tap. Used the last of my TEA making up another batch tonight, I did however clean the roots off with H2O2 and sprayed them good with H2o.Lots of brown gunk came off.
Update TEA on.

Now on to the grow I am very concerned about how the right side is not filling up yet. I am running out of space on the left side do I have reason for concern?
Can't you just start working it to the right?

So is DWC a lot of work?
hey recu, 2 months vegging is enough I think, and just start training her over to the other side, she will fill it up. good luck and happy growing :-)
Can't you just start working it to the right?

So is DWC a lot of work?

I dunno this is my first SCROG so I guess we'll see. DWC is actualy pretty easy, I decided to use DWC on my first grow because it seemed to be faster over all from what I had read. I also like the fact that I don't have to worrie about watering the plant x-many times a day. There are a few basic things you need to know when starting a DWC you can even learn how to DWC on youtube without haveing to read a thing.
Day 50: I may just wait a few more days before I change to 12/12, I am still just a bit over 50% Scrog coverage.Cleaning the slime off the roots seems to have sparked some faster growth.

Coming along really nice!! ScrOGGing like a pro ha! Are you supercropping those advanced stems that are growing a lot faster than the rest? Supercropping will help with promoting lower growth as the apically dominant portion of the plant recovers.

Your timing to change into flower seems on point with where you're currently at with your scrog. Can't wait to check back in a couple of weeks and see how she's doing.
ScrOGGing like a pro ha! Are you supercropping those advanced stems that are growing a lot faster than the rest? Supercropping will help with promoting lower growth as the apically dominant portion of the plant recovers.

Thanks tea, So I did a bit of reading and it appears that you keep Bending down the main growth. I may need to read up on it a bit more.
hey recu, coming along very nicely indeed, mewk69 did a cab grow a few years ago and he scrogged, he had amazing results, maybe check with him, keep up the good work. good luck and happy growing :-)