
Well-Known Member
MJ could go big corporate unless there are some legal impediments to it
but i do agree if MJ is just legalized, then big corporations will be tough to compete with
my guess is MJ will be a rather strictly regulated commodity in the future, many will be uncomfortable with large visible MJ super stores
i'll deal with the risk of super stores as an acceptable trade, i could grow what i want at home
not many juries are going to convict anyone of home cultivation with mega MJ grows in operation, regardless of whatever bogus laws that might be contrived
Exactly!!!!! This is more or less of a win win, at least the way I see it. I would still grow my own but anybody who didn't care about quality could buy "walmart weed". I think it would be a lot like beer. You have your big Anheuser Busch, Miller Brewing, monster conglomerates and you've got a shitload of microbreweries. Before prohibition there were thousands of brewers across the country. All but the big boys basically disappeared because of prohibition. America's demand for good beer was almost non-existent due to a lot of factors after the repeal of prohibition. Slowly, we started to rediscover different styles of beer and the wonderful varieties of flavorful brews that were possible. It was mom and pop operations who, in large part, filled the demand for niche, gourmet types of beers, when demand for these brews started to increase in the 80's. When the big boys took notice of this phenomenon they realized they were missing the boat and started to get back to their roots and find ways to mass produce higher quality, more flavorful, full bodied styles of beer. The microbrew drinking public had a lukewarm welcome for these "megabrews" and what the big breweries started to do was buy up the small mom and pop brewhouses. Now Anheuser Busch has a bunch of microbrews that they own but maintain the small batch brewing styles often associated with good beer. A lot of people still brew their own beer and I imagine if/when cannabis becomes legal it will be similar to the beer phenomenon in the U.S. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Considering MJ will only be legal in Cali, and still not federally legal, most corporations won't touch it. Walmart would get their ass raped by the feds if they even tried to become a corporate seller of mj. Lets be somewhat logical about this. Nationwide corps, or any large corp in general would get fucked in the ass by the feds if they started selling mj. It's for this very reason that only small shops will be able to survive. Staying under the radar is what's going to protect most legal dispensaries, and corporations have no chance of staying under the radar.
As far as Jack Herer is concerned, he's a cool guy, but have your own damn opinion. Don't base your opinions off of what one guy said, unless you end all your posts with bahhh.


Well-Known Member
Considering MJ will only be legal in Cali, and still not federally legal, most corporations won't touch it. Walmart would get their ass raped by the feds if they even tried to become a corporate seller of mj. Lets be somewhat logical about this. Nationwide corps, or any large corp in general would get fucked in the ass by the feds if they started selling mj. It's for this very reason that only small shops will be able to survive. Staying under the radar is what's going to protect most legal dispensaries, and corporations have no chance of staying under the radar.
As far as Jack Herer is concerned, he's a cool guy, but have your own damn opinion. Don't base your opinions off of what one guy said, unless you end all your posts with bahhh.
"Walmart weed" refers to the large scale growing that is being planned if prop. 19 passes, not that walmart will actually be selling it. lol!:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well I was just using walmart as an example for any corps. Those grow factories are going to get shutdown within a week of their first crop is my guess.


Well-Known Member
Well I was just using walmart as an example for any corps. Those grow factories are going to get shutdown within a week of their first crop is my guess.
I still don't think there are too many large corporations looking at growing cannabis, but there are still people who have plans to grow on a large scale. You are probably correct though, they will more than likely get shut down pretty quickly if this passes.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well I was just using walmart as an example for any corps. Those grow factories are going to get shutdown within a week of their first crop is my guess.
could be, if they don't close them down, there will be more quickly
it really is funny, what will DEA deal with first, the evil recreational grows of prop 19 or the MMJ grow factories?


Well-Known Member
It won't ever be dead if it gets put into the constitution. It will just make the feds focus on big time corps, so huge underground growers will probably be able to get away with their shit unscathed. But that's just my .02


Active Member
I dont think they will be amending the constitution so we can all get stoned but that would be something Id vote yes on.


Well-Known Member
Well, if/when it does pass it would be nice to see huge tobacco companies get into cannabis growing. Not that it would be great for quality cannabis, but great for global legalization. But I don't think legalization in California is alone to get corporations like Altria to jump ship.


Active Member
Well, if/when it does pass it would be nice to see huge tobacco companies get into cannabis growing. Not that it would be great for quality cannabis, but great for global legalization. But I don't think legalization in California is alone to get corporations like Altria to jump ship.
Shim, and you would like to see that handed over the Altria the purveyors of aerosol cheese? :clap:


Well, if/when it does pass it would be nice to see huge tobacco companies get into cannabis growing. Not that it would be great for quality cannabis, but great for global legalization. But I don't think legalization in California is alone to get corporations like Altria to jump ship.
California was the first state to legalize medical marijuana (Oregon was the 1st to decriminalize ), so it will have effects down the line.


Uses the Rollitup profile
That dragon chick is an idiot, and she has proven it many times. First of all, she works in a dispensary ...

nuff said.

I voted yes.



Active Member
That dragon chick is an idiot, and she has proven it many times. First of all, she works in a dispensary ...

nuff said.

I voted yes.

So working for a dispensary makes one an idiot? Comments like that make me lose respect for pro-19 people. Get educated.


Uses the Rollitup profile
heehee, yeah that's right, Dragon has stated her views all over the internet and on tv. I can think that she is an idiot, and can say so. I did not say she was an idiot for working at a dispensary, that is your misunderstanding.

And believe me, Prop 19 proponents don't care about your respect.

Please vote YES.



RIU Bulldog
You Californians whine about everything "oh it's not legal..i hate neen treated like a criminal...oh no, it is legal!!
gimme a break...


Well-Known Member
i just saw the first pro 19 TV ad? funded by the friend of weed, George Soros
had some celebs, and some talking points, curious what the response is
the ad blitz starts 6 days(or so) before the vote?


Active Member
I did not say she was an idiot for working at a dispensary, that is your misunderstanding.
But you said-

That dragon chick is an idiot, and she has proven it many times. First of all, she works in a dispensary ...
I think you need to work on getting your message out clearer. Maybe not type messages so stoned?

Obviously you're confusing yourself.


Active Member
former Mexican president fox supports prop 19 so "Mexican peasants can export marijuana into the USA"
Most amazing and horrible aspect of the badly written law is that it takes a billion dollar market and shifts into complete chaos and possibly hands it over to just about any one. We already have Mexican nationals in our forest growing illegally making a mess and starting fires ( they use the profits for meth production) They are cartels right in my national forest.