c02 enrichment


Well-Known Member
yeah i guess you could...but i wouldent push it...its always nice to stay a safe distance so you have some play...


Well-Known Member
you need to exhaust the room and re-fill it with new co2 every hour or so. what are your temps and how are you cooling the room?


Active Member
You have to refill with new c02? Even if you're using a tank and regulator? I am using a air conditioner and water cooled lights after winter to keep temps down.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you have an awesome setup. how many watts are you running and how many btu's is your AC? is your AC dual hose or single hose design? i need to know the answers to those questions to get an accurate portrayal of your setup. i suggest getting a co2 generator as opposed to a tank/regulator because they are much cheaper and more efficient in the long run, as well as the fact that they raise less suspicion. you can buy one for the same price as a tank and regulator. i got my Green Air CD-18 for 150 off of ebay. look around...there are good deals. if you already have a tank, then its no biggie. it all has the same effect in the end right? if you use co2, you still need a way to vent the air in the room every hour, then you would need to refill to 1500 ppm. i run a 12000 btu AC to cool 1600watts of HID lighting, works like a charm and keeps the temps under 75 most times...


Active Member
You do not need to replace Co2, only maintain it at optimum ppm.
you will need a co2 controller to keep levels within range otherwise you cannot run a completely sealed room. No need to vent the room at all, plants use the co2 and make oxygen while lights are on and when lights are off they use a portion of the oxygen they produce to make co2. Entering the garden will give you some air exchange from adjoining areas but it is not required. I have both of my rooms sealed and run full time co2 during lights on except late in flower. You may need an A/C unit or chiller to keep room temps in check. I use a carbon filter and vortex fan to recirculate the air within the room to keep smell down. Hope this helps...Peace