Here's a better solution that we learned in a Colorado greenhouse.
It turns out that all plants, fruits, flowers and vegetables respire and produce ethylene gas, which is considered a ripening hormone in fruits, vegetables and flowers. Some consider ethylene as the Death Hormone since it triggers senescense and makes plants grow old and yellow and drop leaves. The more it grows, the more ethylene it produces. This Colorado greenhouse tested their enclosed greenhouse and installed an ethylene filtering device which is designed to protect flowers (roses) from ethylene in flower greenhouses.
The effect was impressive, in 1 month there was an increased growth of 400% where the ethylene filter was installed compared to where the filter was not present (not 4%, not 40%, 400% in only 1 month). The reason is that the bad ethylene gas gets irreversively oxidized and converted into beneficial Carbon Dioxide which is part of the photosynthesis:
Water+Carbon Dioxide+Light produces Glucose (nutrients)
I saw it in Colorado that the CO2 is beneficial and was produced directly from the same environment. By taking the bad gas (ethylene) and turning into a good one (CO2) the plants are extremely happy and vigorous, which is exactly what happens with the roses.
The effect was exponential, the more the plants grow, the more ethylene they produce that is converted into CO2 and the more and more the plants keep growing, with more branches, leaves and larger flowers. leaves, more nutrients, more production, less cost to produce.
Watch the difference in the left (ethylene filter) vs. the right (no ethylene filter) after only 1 month:
View attachment 2477527With Ethylene Filter (1 month) - converting ethylene to CO2 from the existing environment.
View attachment 2477528Without ethylene Control (1 month)
Does anybody have a similar experience like this that can be posted and validated?