BZP and TFMPP reports..anyone?


Active Member
Hey guys just wondering if any of you have every tried either or both of these. I have a friend that is bringing a quite a bit of this home and just want to know what I have to look forward to.:hump:


New Member
It Amazes Me But I Havent Had BZP. I Heard It Sucks... But I Have Currently In My Possession A Little Under 25 Grams Of TFMPP. It's Effects Are REALLY Hard To Describe. A Rough Mix Between A Very Mild Acid Or A Mild Dose Of Shrooms, A Mild Ecstasy, And An Amphetamine. And That Doesnt Even Sum It Up. I Cant Explain it.


Active Member
Would you recomend the tmpff and what dosage have you taken. Any noticeable side effects?I read that mixing the two can be very interesting and is basically what most "party pills" in the UK are composed of but leave you with a nasty hangover


New Member
They Do Augment Eachother's Effects.
I Take Hefty Doses Of TFMPP. Often Half A Gram
Yea, Lot's Of Smart Drugs Comtain The Two.
Do I Reccomend It? Not Really. I Paid Nearly $300 For These 25 Grams And It's Shit Compared To How Much Acid I Could Get For That.


Active Member
True... maybe its different where you live but I have been on the prowl for my good ole pall cid for nearly 3 years now with zero success. It will be a very, very excellent time when I do find some though.:hug:


New Member
It's Not Different At All Here. Acid Is Extinct In Some Regions. The Last Time It Came Around My Brother Got It And He Said He Didnt Have A Single Visual.


Active Member
Damn...It is deffinately time for an acid re-revoloution. #1 drug in my opinion, really lets you see things for what they really are and no bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Move To California! Particularly San Francisco, It's As Easy To Get As Cocaine.
Im thinking about taking a drive to san fran from so cal one weekend to try and get a vial or a sheet. Anyone from the area know where i should go? If any one wants to chill or show me some cool spots Pm me .:peace::hug:


Well-Known Member
People sell TFMPP around here and naming it as "Pure MDMA" ive done it and its like meth.. lmao