buying seeds using walmart pre paid card


Active Member
just threw 130 ducks into a wal mart card to use it for these seeds since i don't have a bank account and wanted to make sure its on point. its not a "gift card" since its reloadable an you can put your direct deposit, and its labeled as a debit card. it says "only valid in the united states" but i guess that applies to going outside of the country and making purchases within that country. anyways i just to make sure before i do this crazy shit. ordering 4 iced grapefruit 4 white widow x big bud


Active Member
yeah but like i said, since its an online transaction i'm assuming that wouldn't matter. since i'm making the purchase WITHIN my own country. guess i'll try right now and see what happens. if not i gotta pull out all this money and get a damn bank account and wait 2 weeks for a card.


Ursus marijanus
I don't know if it works that way, since the receiver will be a bank in (probably) Great Britain. But I'm not sure. Please post your results. cn


Active Member
that's an incredible idea but to transfer funds to a paypal account still takes around 2-3 days for verification.....what i'm thinking i can do IS transfer funds to my college debit card and see if they will accept that since it technically doesn't have any restrictions and would theoretically be treated as a "real" debit card. let me see if it allows me and i will get back to you guys momentarily

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
You don't want to use any bank account that has your name and can be traced back to you. That includes that college credit card.
Bad idea. Just look around for a prepaid card that can be used internationally. They are out there. I know because that's how I ordered seeds fom Nirvana.


Active Member
THATS WHAT I'M SAYING. thats exactly why i used this walmart joint but its ridiculous. i mean, chances are i'm not gonna get feds up my ass for ordering 8 seeds.


Active Member
lol true. i couldn't transfer my money to my college account so i'ma try that then. i was thinking i should get a bank account regardless but i don't want to be making mad suspicious purchases through a legit bank account and i'm planning on ordering lights and carbon filters and a whole bunch of "fishy" shit


Active Member
which site. attitude? i been trying evey 10 min to make sure its not no fuck shit, this is a temporary card as well so im guessing that might be an issue. but honestly fuck it, i'll take the risk of my name being involved in the transaction since i seriously doubt the government is checking for a no named ninja like me


Active Member
the cheap ones LMAO female seeds iced grapefruit and the cinderella 99 i mentioned, but i might go with the white widow big bud hybrid since its a good yielder. all "easy" strains to grow. i'm looking at advanced seeds as well but they sell individual. theres a few expensive seeds i want to get but i have an 80 dollar spending limit so i don't want to get 60 pounds worth of seeds knowing i have to translate the price

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
Can you transfer the money from the card to a Paypal account and pay with Paypal?
Which seedbank takes paypal? None of the ones I looked at did, I sent a money order because I couldn't find the proper pre paid card out here and was afraid of going through what the OP is going through. Paypal would have been much more simple.


Well-Known Member
I have used a prepaid greendot debit card to buy my seeds. You can pick the cards up at walgreens. I've never had a problem using it.
Oye, Dry Meat! Navajo signature? Yah-ta-hey! I used the GD before as well. Used to live in ABQ, Las Cruces.