Im not in a small city so we have different postmen weekly and none of them know who lives where. They have always left my packages where I have them shipped as you can let the post office know and sign off that all mail be left if the sender does not require a signature. I just do it this way as I have known 3 people who have had Customs and ATF show up at the address the seeds were going to but they used real names and order couple dozen seeds. Every order I have heard confiscated has seemed to be in the stealth or breeders pack option. I have never known anyone who just used regular packaging with few seeds have their package taken as the smaller the package the less they look at it. If it looks like a normal letter or card it goes right through if it comes in a box or bigger padded package it gets a look see..I have never known any package not delivered with a fake name as long as it seems like a real name just not yours or a friend of yours. Postal rule is the package goes to the address not the name as that lets them off liability I know couple post office workers and they let me in on some of this stuff. It might be different in a small little town I don't know just what I was taught decades ago and has worked everytime for me coupled with see order come via hands of DEA to those who just order via their own credit card own address and real name. You do what you feel comfortable with being cautious has just kept me safe many a year.Just how I do this people all vary.