buying pills online

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
I was just wandering if anyone has bought pills online, Im looking for tabs, muscle relaxers, zanax, anything that I could get blasted on. Any suggestions, Oh and if i posted this thread in the wrong place I would be glad to move it, even though i didnt feel it fitted in the hallucinary threads. Thanks a bunch :cry:+:joint:=:blsmoke:&:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
YEah i've been wanting to know the same thing. I have ordered shroom spores from georgia, marijuana seeds from germany, but am a little sketchy about pillz:peace:


Well-Known Member
I buy some of my meds online when I don't have a prescription. It is risky and I have been burned. I don't know where you live, but, if you are in the US make sure you order from a US site, you will have better luck getting them.


Well-Known Member
it dissipoints me when i see things like this , online pill buying is a scam your bound to be getting set up and you go to jail longer for pills than most everything else if you get caught with extascy and they say it was for intent to distribute thats a manslaughter charge for every pill you got


Well-Known Member
i think as long as your high you should be able to say whatever in the toke and talk but yea this isent for people just trying to find connections if you have none just stop doing drugs.

good ol' boy

Well-Known Member
This is a weed growing site, and i do have plants. I kinda figured that ordering online was mostly a scam. It is probably best that i do quit, either way thanks everyone for your replys. I think ill just stick to my good ol home grown, as it seems to be much easier and cheaper to grow some fire a$$ pot, than to buy some pills