Buying Lights & Grow Tent??


Active Member

I was wondering if some experienced growers could please guide me in the right direction. Im looking to grow about 1-2 plants (to start off with) and was wondering what sort of lights i should be looking at...Ive heard there are a few different types, so if somebody could let me know my options and what they use and why i would much appreciate it.

Another question i have is about a grow tent. Would it be work purchasing a grow tent. I will be growing in a bit of attick space and im worried about the conditions the plant will be under in that space. Would a grow tent be the best way to go about safely sectioning off the plant? Will it also add to growing the plant positively?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, i would get a grow tent in an attic.

And as for lights here is the best way to do it.

Seedling stage week 1&2- Use combination a warm white and cool white cfl's. These lights arent as bright but dont stress the plants too early. Keep on 24/0. ( 24 hours of light)

Vegetive stage- Use mh light, this light emits alot of blue spectrim, good for all around growth. Use for atleast 4 weeks at 24/0.

Flowering- once you are ready to flower its best to use a hps light. This light emits alot of red spectrim. Best for flower growth, And buds are the flowers in this case. And switching to 12/12 will make your plant beleive winter is coming and that is what makes the plants grow buds. If it stays under 24 hours of light it will never ever bud.


Active Member
thanks for the reply..Yeah i think i may invest in a grow tent. Is there a certain size i should be going for if im growing 2 plants?..I wont be growing them too big, going to try and keep it simple for the first attempt.......Also with the grow tent how do you put lights inside..I know it may sound stupid but ive never actually seen a grow tent in person so i dont know how there designed....Will this grow tent also help keep out insects etc?


Active Member
How much would it cost to purchase all the lights you mentioned above? what kind of budget would i need? Is there also a certain light i could use throughout the whole process or is it vital i change to different light sources??