Yo man, RooR bongs are the way to go, no doubt. Get it off of everybodydoesit.com... i've gotten 3 successfully sent...
Also the volcano is the best vaporizer ever, actually, its the only one that really works. THere are some $50 dollar ones (vapir one), but they suck ass, and clog up.
For $200 bones you can get a straight bottom roor... RooRs and Volcanoes are the only reason to spend more than $100 bucks on a piece imo.
Also there are at least 5 smokeshops within a 20 minute drive from myself, sometimes they are just listed under different catagories, I guess for security or whatever. Adult Shops often sell more pieces than adult shit, and also they are listed under tobacco alot of the time, seeing how thats what they're SUPPOSED to be for... lmao, who the hell would rip a giant bong hit of tobacco?!