Buying a bong

rob butts

Well-Known Member
oh yeah, and that definitely wont make you stop coughing, think about it, you get all the THC, what do you thinks gunna happen? hahajust dotn take big hits bro and youll be fine. i would DEFNITELY suggest getting it. it takes about 5 minutes to warm up too not 20 lol and if you do get it set the heat at about 6-7ish(theres a knob)


Well-Known Member
I just ordered it. It'll prob. be here next Tue. or Wed. so I gotta go get a Money Order.
I hope it's truly worth the money. I've only got like 250 bucks now. I'll have to find an oz. of nugs by the middle of next week, hopefully I'll bank off it, or I'll go broke.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
well ive used a couple vaporizers, and they get you pretty damn high, but i get just as high off my 3' bong. i dont get higher off any weed than with the volcano. i mean dood like legit, i smoke a bowl/bag whatever of mids and i legit cant function haha its crazy. there are other ones, but any good one isnt much cheaper, if youre gunna get one get the volcano, im pretty sure it comes with a waurantee too.

rob butts

Well-Known Member
by the way that last post was to k-town.

good job superdave, i PROMISE you wont regret it. you will be so glad you got it haha


Well-Known Member
All right man thanks for the insight on the vaporizers I have been wondering about them for a long time now. I'm gonna have to get one of those no matter the price "fuck it".


Well-Known Member
Yo man, RooR bongs are the way to go, no doubt. Get it off of i've gotten 3 successfully sent...

Also the volcano is the best vaporizer ever, actually, its the only one that really works. THere are some $50 dollar ones (vapir one), but they suck ass, and clog up.

For $200 bones you can get a straight bottom roor... RooRs and Volcanoes are the only reason to spend more than $100 bucks on a piece imo.

Also there are at least 5 smokeshops within a 20 minute drive from myself, sometimes they are just listed under different catagories, I guess for security or whatever. Adult Shops often sell more pieces than adult shit, and also they are listed under tobacco alot of the time, seeing how thats what they're SUPPOSED to be for... lmao, who the hell would rip a giant bong hit of tobacco?!


Well-Known Member
I too have a shop in my area, not really a head shop, its a pawn shop, but they have a whole lot of bongs, and pipes. Pretty cheap too, thinking of buying one some time.


Well-Known Member
depends what kind of vaporizer, mine is the volcano- 700$$, honestly, TOTALLY worth it. the weed taste SO good, even mids. Also it doesnt burn it , it heats it up and the THC is released into a bag and you enhale it out of the bag, its kinda like a bowl you pack it, turn it on, and it inflates and you get probably like 7 or 8 hits from each one. its awesome you get RETARDED As well. and ya you toss out the bud, it turns brown instead of ash white and black.
I've been thinking about getting a vaporizer. When you fill the bag do you have to use it right then or will it be good later that day? Say 4 or 5 hours later?


Well-Known Member
No, actually it wouldn't be. I read that it would only be good within about 10 minutes. The vapors will condense in the bag.


Well-Known Member
yeh i don't think it would be either... when there is leftover vapor in the volcano bags, the bags just form a resin inside of them...