Buy Low, Sell High

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My motto is 'If its not your plate do NOT try to eat off it' meaning if you dont normally make money in that method.. kick rocks.. It bothers me when people who know damn well tha only way they wouuld ever make money is through a regular slave 9-5 want to try and dabble in things they have no clue about..
LOL wtf? are you a communist?


Active Member
you just have to know business and be willing to do a little research.. don't listen to people telling you not to get involved with anything new in your life. anyone heard of entrepreneurship? shit man, begin by starting a small ebay business. as said, buy low and sell high. search craigs, ebay, the salvo and your local classifieds. buy anything you believe you can turn a profit on. clothing is really easy. look for semi pricey name brands at the salvo. you can buy nice ralph lauren shirts for 3 bucks and sell them for 10 or 15. (it would be better to sell three or five shirts together, that way you can expect to receive 20-30 bucks for one transaction. also, not a lot of people look to purchase a single shirt off of ebay.) once you've built up some capital, check out bulk-lot buys on ebay or any other sites on google. you can find shirts, hats, computers, pipes, ect. you can buy a dozen computers for 1200(guessing) and if you sell each for, say, 200 dollars, you make 1200. just research various products and learn what people like to spend money on. last year i had a really successful ebay business. just with taking a trip everyday to the salvo and selling the items i found, i made easily $300 a week. i was really good with the little marketing techniques that a lot of people tend to forget. just a few tips - HIGH high high qual product photos and learn who will buy your shit.. aka when should you post and more importantly when should your auction end. when will the people buying your shit be online, surfing ebay looking for what you have to sell.


Well-Known Member
My motto is 'If its not your plate do NOT try to eat off it' meaning if you dont normally make money in that method.. kick rocks.. It bothers me when people who know damn well tha only way they wouuld ever make money is through a regular slave 9-5 want to try and dabble in things they have no clue about..
Yeah but at the same time dabbling in new business ideas isn't a bad thing if you are young (younger than 25) as long as its legal cause you'll make major mistakes you can then prevent when you are older. While I agree there are a lot of bad business ideas what any individual can do is completely unknowable. I've seen people I know who seem to have their shit together and on paper they are brilliant but in action they just can't make money worth a damn. And i've seen peopel who you would think were homeless hippies who happen to be incredibly wealthy and intelligent. That old book by its cover motto is no joke. And I say if you are young go for any business venture that excites you, because every failure or win you have at that age will make you so much stronger when you are older.

That being said, don't lose your ass in something stupid that you wouldnt' do for free in many cases. lol


Well-Known Member
buy low, sell high. that is a recipe for success
Buy low Sell high was the recipe for success in the 90's. In our modern economy middlemen are the first fat trimmed from any worthwhile venture. While if you are good at it and know why you are survivine our current economy crash since 2007 (bush was president, not Obama, why does everyone forget that day?) then keep doing it! But if you are becoming a middleman it comes with a lot of risk, enough to make most ventures a scam that someone is taking advantage of people like you. Never start your first business with anyone who wants an "investment to show you are serious"

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...This is soo Ironic...I just watched 2 mouvies was called "middleman" and the other "inside job" a must see for anybody posting in this thread....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"the "buy low sell high" method"

lol :lol: as opposed to the buy high sell low method :D

Why not look at penny shares and work your way up.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
So basically you are looking for someone to tell you what product you can easily buy and resell for huge profits without knowing anything about it? It doesn't work like that. If it's easy and you don't need a lot of knowledge in order to resell it, then it's already being done by many other people.

I agree with whoever said grow more weed. It takes an investment of money, and time, and a lot of trial and error and learning, but it will eventually pay off. I am just starting to get returns on my investment after a little over a year. I'm talking cash returns; i've been getting returns in the form of personal use weed and edibles from my grow the whole time. It's really booming now that I have great quality and quantity though.