Buy confiscated lights from the police


bud bootlegger
first of all, imvho, it's bad juju to be buying anything that was confiscated in a bust of someone's grow.. there's bad karma associated with that stuff, and your buying it, now gives you all that bad karma..
and secondly, of course the popo will now have you name on the receipt of the items you just purchased, and in turn, you could be their next bust, and some other fool will soon be buying your lights in another auction..

imvho, stay far, far, far, far, far, away from this type of thing as it has bad written all over it..

my $.02


Well-Known Member
yea, that's what I said in the last sentence -"All you have to do is register to tell them where the next grow setup will be! ". I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it, but it is an auction site and there are people bidding.


Well-Known Member
Got to Love that they let a person buy back his confiscated equipment.
Now they don't smash it all like in other States.
fuggin LEO,Because they always find a way to profit.

I was searching for lights and ran across the property room site. You can buy stuff law enforcement has confiscated from folks they busted. Looks like you can get a whole grow room set of lights for about $300. All you have to do is register to tell them where the next grow setup will be!


Well-Known Member
I got arrested once and they confiscated my van,
The Asshole LEO let me buy my own back for 3500 Bucks!!
They said they took it because the Chief liked it for surveillance....


Well-Known Member
Have a Corporation set up to bid and then resell the equipment legally for a profit.
a piece or two can end up in your possession.
They would need to get a warrant to have a peek at your books.
Then at least you have some protection by the corporate veil depending on your state.


Well-Known Member
I would not touch them lights with a 10 foot pole. Hell I have concerns about ebay and HTG supply already. I damn sure won't deal with no Police.


Well-Known Member
Wait, Wait. So, you're saying it's NOT a good idea? Couldn't imagine where the problem would be.:wink:


Sector 5 Moderator
Have a friend in another town buy them for you. He could claim somebody stole them out of his vehicle.


Well-Known Member
I say why not. I know 2 people that have bought lots of hoods and ballasts through that site and nobody ever came for them lol. It's all hype with karma and juju lol.


Well-Known Member
I realize that the op was joking, but, for the people who would buy grow gear from a police auction- your paying them to go after growers in your area. it just seems like a bad idea to me.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
it would seem to me most of the time they sell these types they are to commercial flower growers i.e. roses, ect. so yea the idea of using it as a form of entrapment, is not really that good but at same time i wouldnt fund their bust reguardless.

banks dank

Active Member
I was searching for lights and ran across the property room site. You can buy stuff law enforcement has confiscated from folks they busted. Looks like you can get a whole grow room set of lights for about $300. All you have to do is register to tell them where the next grow setup will be!
When you buy from this site you are contributing to the prohibition of cannabis as well as directly
funding police. Not to mention your a dumbass because they will keep your name on record.
Im from a med state and i can legally grow but i will not support this its unjust to cannabis everywhere...
I feel its pretty much being a total benefit from your buddys loss and the police get more
money and continue being assholes...Dont perpetuate this!!!!!!

Also you advertising a police auction site and having a user name with the name COPS in it is
rather suspicious....IMHO

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
It's a trap.

They are in filming for the new series of The Dumbest Criminals.

If you are eager to make your TV debut, jump on it.


Active Member
What are you talking about. In med states you're doing the opposite. You're helping continue to grow cannabis. I buy from CA department, it gets shipped here. To a friends house, who doesnt grow. With his card. I get it. Give it to my girl. A ballast isn't alone enough for a search warrant. Nor should you be worried in a med state what local authorities in any place are gonna do, especially out of state.


Well-Known Member
A few years back I am pullin into a friends to pick up a sac and a Sheriff is parked in his driveway.
Well I drove past and called, he said come on over the LEO was just another friend getting a sac!
I Smoked a joint with my friend and the LEO and he drove off in his squad car Very High!
he said, no shit for real "I'm going to Dairy Queen"!
It was classic.