Butt sex

Do you even anal?

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Got a good story from last night.

We talked it out, like adults, and decided we were going to anal it up last night. She showered and cleaned up all nice while I drank a beer and squeezed my dong. When she came out I set the mood by turning the fan on and grabbing the Astro glide. After some buttalingus and toying I went and eased it in. After about ten minutes I know there's a poop issue happening, so I'm thrusting away and trying to breathe outta my mouth because it's getting tough to inhale due to the smell. After fighting it for a few minutes, I was like "babe, I gotta stop," pull out slowly and carefully carry my chili dog to the bathroom.

I know my dong is pretty shitty, so I turn on the bath and kneel in there, squirting shampoo and body wash on my shitdick while I'm cleaning it off, being careful not to look at it because it's pretty gross. After a few minutes though I start to gag from the smell. Usually i can take almost anything, but this was intense. I eventually throw up the taco dinner we had just a few hours before into my mouth, some of which sprays out of my mouth onto the faucet thingy. I end up leaning out of the bathtub and spitting the saved vomit into the toilet.

I was laughing like a fucking mad man in the tub which was filled with brown shit water, little bits of lettuce and corn-from the taco, not her shit, I'm pretty sure... Wait, now I'm wondering though. Luckily she didn't come in until the water ran clear.

Anyway, good times. Hope you all enjoyed the story.
WTF??? Isn't she like 11 months preggo by now? Also, I thought it was proper ass ettiquite to enema all the shit out. I'd be mortified. Not trying to dis her, I mean, you went in there, but just thought that was how it's done. Also, is a fan necessary?
WTF??? Isn't she like 11 months preggo by now? Also, I thought it was proper ass ettiquite to enema all the shit out. I'd be mortified. Not trying to dis her, I mean, you went in there, but just thought that was how it's done. Also, is a fan necessary?

Hahahah I <3 hookah.
yeah she's pretty pregnant, 28 weeks. And yeah of course she was mortified until I played it off like it was no big deal! That's the trick, you just have to throw up and clean your dick and then act like it ain't no thang. It's all in the head nod and eye contact.

And no a fan isn't necessary lol, it's not like it's going to stink normally but it's just romantic. You're dude doesn't turn the fan on when you guys ram wrinkles?
Hahahah I <3 hookah.
yeah she's pretty pregnant, 28 weeks. And yeah of course she was mortified until I played it off like it was no big deal! That's the trick, you just have to throw up and clean your dick and then act like it ain't no thang. It's all in the head nod and eye contact.

And no a fan isn't necessary lol, it's not like it's going to stink normally but it's just romantic. You're dude doesn't turn the fan on when you guys ram wrinkles?
Proper etiquette is a candle m8

I don't know who told you a fan but they pulled one over on you for a long time.

Pregnant sex is pretty boss. +2points
Hahahah I <3 hookah.
yeah she's pretty pregnant, 28 weeks. And yeah of course she was mortified until I played it off like it was no big deal! That's the trick, you just have to throw up and clean your dick and then act like it ain't no thang. It's all in the head nod and eye contact.

And no a fan isn't necessary lol, it's not like it's going to stink normally but it's just romantic. You're dude doesn't turn the fan on when you guys ram wrinkles?

I think I would die if I knew my husband threw up after ANY action with me. I give her credit. I know when I was 7 months I didn't exactly feel very sexy. She not only tipped the bar, she crushed it with all this naughtiness. And yeah... I'm still not getting the fan thing. Music, candles. or whatever but a fan?? I should admit that I loath white noise. A fan would set my teeth on edge.