Butt hash


Well-Known Member
They say it gives you hallucinations? LSD produced from my rectum! IM SO HAPPY!! watch them make you sign your name from now on when buying balloons.


Well-Known Member
soon there will be pooitup.org and kids will ask wats ur fav type of strain of poo is it cat,dog, fat kids, or turtle


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahaha! somebody go fuck up the "100% legal drugs" forum!!!!!!!! i dont wanna sound toooo retarded.
but this is too far... :spew:
wutta they call a jenkem addict? a shithead!!!!
aaaaaaaaaahahaha ... fucking good one.

I just read up a lil about it turns out it's fake.
plus there are a couple youtube videos saying its fake.
good prank though
imagine how many kids went and tried this themselves, had a big wiff of fermented piss turd, just to realize it was a load of shit!!! aaaaahahaha