ButchyBoys Room-0-Death

those pics are awesome bro :)

Thanks Crit!!! :bigjoint:

I'm not sure but I think the girls are doing better since I started watering with the tea. I almost think that I have been starving them since the yellowing has slowed down a bunch! Time will tell.....

I might chop down that XJ this weekend while the wife is home. She has been riding my ass about getting to trim a plant and I am totally game for someone else to do it.
Had to go to the Big City Hospital to pick up some equipment so I hit up a couple of stores.

Lowes had these..


Sounds yummy!! Also sounds HOT!!!!!



The values are rubbed off of the bag. Bummer!






I went to the grow store for some perlite since Lowes only sells Miracle Grow with nutes in it. I got this 4 cubic foot bag for $23


I am going to get my ass kicked come April when I mix up 100 gallons or so of soil for the greenhouse in the basement!!! That will give it two months to cook while the ground thaws out.

Hmmm.. Time for a new tea brew!!
You love your booze eh? :lol:

Plants look real dank! nice work

Soil looks real great too

That is just part of the booze.. :dunce: The wife works for the local wine and spirits distribution company so she gets a shit load of freebies.

Thanks for the kind words. The plants are suffering the usual fate of yellowing on the margins! I am now leaning towards a soil ph issue. I believe I'm at a ph of 6.4 so that would explain my problem.

So far after watering with the tea I have yellowing of entire fan leafs like they are hungry on a couple of the plants. I will see what they look like in a few more days.

The wife was all excited to help trim the XJ-13 yesterday so we headed out to the room with coffee in hand. We put on some music and burned a bowl then got to trimming!!

I got done with my second top as the wife was finishing her first ever!!! She was pretty stoked!! I chopped off another top as did she.. I was just finishing up on mine when she said.

This Suck's!!!!!

I just laughed and said it will get easier with time. I trimmed another one while she finished up hers then we went inside for breakfast. I guess I will finish up tomorrow.
So I had a day (yesterday) where I had a clear'ish head... Doesn't happen very often any more :-(

I was looking back at my yellowing issues and what they might be telling me. I am now on the path to raising the PH of my soil! I have had a soil PH of what I thought was 6.4'ish for almost a year. This is what the meter reading looked like... I now believe that reading is 5.9!!!!


So I started adding Dolomite Lime to my tub of used soil. So far this morning I see an improvement!! I am going to say that reading is 6.6'ish :-P


So far what I have for soil is.....

22 gallons of used soil
12 cups chicken manure
18 cups steer manure
9 cups mushroom compost
12 cups forest compost
22 cups perlite
1/2 cup Ironite
2.5 cups peletized garden lime (last of the bag)
4 cups dolomite lime (adding more as I go to adjust PH up)
4 cups alfalfa meal
4 cups kelp meal
1/4 cup bone meal
1/4 cup blood meal
1/3 cup Jobes organic fertilizer 4-4-4

This mix looks and smell great so far!!

Any and all comments are welcome!!!! :bigjoint:
My 2 cents?? Ditch the meter :) In the past I spent so much time checking pH...what a waste of time that was...
I hear you guy's! I would not trust that meter to be accurate.

I have classic symptoms of Mag deficiency even after watering with Cal-Mag. A ph lower than 6.5 would start locking out Magnesium along with Calcium so I figured raising the PH of the soil might do the trick.

I am getting ready to up-pot a plant in veg that is already showing yellowing of the margins and will give some of this soil a try. I have plenty of plants to test with!!

I am sure after this soil sits for a few days and mixed a few times the PH will settle down some since I can poke around in there and find spots that read way different...

After 67 days I decided to take out this little girl! Blue Magoo before removing the shade leafs.


Removed some leafs..







Nothing spectacular but hey!! I'll smoke it!! :lol:
Thanks Red!!

After getting all of that done I spent a few hours playing with my bubble bags. I had the trim from the last two plants that needed to be dealt with.

I used 4 bags this time. The 220,120,73 and 25.

The 120 bag.


The 73 bag.


And the 25 bag.

Last Friday the wife say's "Let's get drunk and...." So we decided the drink for the night was Bacardi Bucket's!!! :clap:

These are tasty as fuck!!!! These will get you laid!!!!! :-P

A coworker of my wife's came up with this and now a local bar serves them up!! (At least that is what I am told)



orange juice
pineapple juice
cranberry juice
Bacardi Superior
Bacardi Dragon Berry
Bacardi PineApple
Bacardi Select or 151

Get a bucket. A change bucket from the casino will work!

2 shot's each Superior, Dragon Berry and PineApple Bacardi
1/4 cup each Orange, PineApple and Cranberry Juice
Float a shot of the Select or 151
Adjust to taste if needed.

I turned off the light's for a swiffer cleaning of the cool tubes....

Here is the Shopping bag Blue Magoo (Giant Plant) at day 34.9 and 54+ inches tall. The bend in the stalk is just above the black line on the back wall.


The lowest branch on the plant.


A mid branch


Mid/upper branch


The top


The bend... It amazes me that the plant is still supporting its self. I do have a wire 1/2 inch under it just in case she gives.


Here is a size comparison shot. The left flower is the end of the lowest branch on the giant plant, the one on the right is the largest top on the Tri-Ploid.. :mrgreen:


The popcorn on this is going to be the size of golf balls :hump:

I need to figure out how to get away with growing one of these in the sun shine, in the ground..... My greenhouse is just not tall enough at 10 feet!!!:twisted:
So far The Giant plant and this XJ-13 are both staying green longer than normal. Hmmmmmmm.. :mrgreen:

XJ-13 day 21 and 38.75 inches tall.




Let's move on to the AK-48 in a plastic pot. Day 57.1

I did not catch it early enough with the cal-mag and it had gnat's so.....


