butane can blast tube?


hey guys so here is a little idea i had ,,, @twitch told me i would have better results prefreezing my trim before blasting,,,,,, i have read and agree 100% ......however thhis would take me weeks to complete my last 10lbs ofthis trim as i only have a hp tube and 3 100g tubes ,, so basically just over a lb every 24/48 hrs with the freezing inbetween ,,,,,, seems very tedious due to my qty involved an my equipment availabe,,,,,

soo heres my question to solve my problem looking for advice ,experience and constructive critisism

i have well over 1000 empty whipits 400ml cans just lying around (where the hell do you dump a few hundred cans at a time lmao)
i was wondering if this will b possible or a waste of time

i depressurized and pop the tip out and insert a tip into the hole
use sawzall n cut the bottom off the cans
roll the bottom into a slight lip to catch hoseclaps andzip ties

would thesebe viable as blasttubes? im assuuming so cause they are already holding butane safley
but maybe theres somthhing im not realizing

i just figure if i make 100 or so i could preload and freez everything for 1 strain run rather than a bunch f small runs wiith a p ea


yes ,,, but this is for future plans aswell freezing will lock up the chloropyl which should solve atleast a small perecent of the issue
but the bigger picture is when i grab new stuff i dont grab small qtys so having a few hundred blastubes that cann be preloaded and prefrozen would be optimal ( only other option is switching to white pvc/abs going 3" by 3-5 ft and having a triple nozzle taking 3 cans at a time....but i know pvc/abs isnt good ) im not buying anymore tubes online cause they are all to much money and my homemade one holds more and cost 75%less ..... disregarding my current product as its getting run either way im thinking about this for future runs
and also talked with them and theyre going to give me theyre popcorns at the same cost as trim without ever going on the trimmer just clipped by hand


also im just trying to repurpose these stupid empty cans,,,, and if anyone has any ideas on how to dispose of 100's of cans at a time without being suspicious or littering/illegal dumping im all ears


Well-Known Member
ok before you try that and waste all that time... also try freezing your butane
do this......
take 2 of your 100gram tubes fill them both up place one in the freezer over night and leave one out, record how much is in each tube. the next day get 2 different dishes and blast the cold tube into one dish and the warm tube into another...
then look at the difference and see if it does anything diffrent
unfortunately "Bob" already told you there was no hope for changing the color


sounds good il do 4 dishes,,,,

frozen tane/frozen trim
room temp tane /frozen trim
room temp everything
frozen tane with room temp trim

just tto see ....
and yes i know what "bob" said but regardless i wana shine this turd into the nicest possible turd it can be
remember it smokes great (not harsh/no sizzle and gets you ripped instantly)

but thats not what this thread is for exactly

i am wondering if my spent tane cans can be converted into blast tubes for future use
next runs will most likly be done with nugs so the black wont even be a issue ,,,but i still need a way of prepping the material and if frezing everything is the way thats cool and il do it but ima need alot more tubes to preload which is why i made this thread... can i use the cans or should i make outta somthing else (I AM NOT BUYING ANYMORE TUBES lol just materials to make em)