

Well-Known Member
Naw pimpin, As I was sayin...I don't mix bussines and pleasure...I'm here for bussiness and this chick right here takes up entriely too much space and attention, she's like a second girlfriend...something I could never afford, however, I can be a friend with privilages...get it right.


Well-Known Member
:evil: :evil: :evil:
Haha I'll stick up for her.... I've seen her a few times... So did Non green thumb and wigmo..,.

yeah me too but she never said anything that dumb, and she left her friend at home,

Mostly its that the last time she was stoned or quiet. this time shewas seriously tweeking of some sort.
:evil: :evil: :evil:


Well-Known Member
CYBER FOR HOURS???? Who the fuck finds that shit appealing? A 400 pound fourteen year old Geek??? WTF.

And I get what ya mean Sani;) haha

Dank yea I agree... Much quieter... She's feeling too comfortable here like she runs the place just cause she's a girl..... Wait.... ALL HAIL THE WOMEN haha j/p


Well-Known Member
lol a little too well I think... a bunch of you people came afer to me with fuckin spoons and shit tryin to eat me!!! Hah kidding :P


Well-Known Member
lol a little too well I think... a bunch of you people came afer to me with fuckin spoons and shit tryin to eat me!!! Hah kidding :P
i guess its no diff than if theres a bunch of guys in a room and some titties with a face walked in it would be the same thing but hey its all just love:)


Well-Known Member
lol if thats what you call it now and days then sure haha
So... Im kinda mad.
Im not even high right now. Gr.
Omg last night I got some of the best weed Ive ever had in my fucking life.
I dont remember half the fuckin night and I woke up with my like 5 empty water bottles at my bed side and a shit load of cookie wrappers lol