Filla Kinex
Active Member
thanks i will. he really got screwed! an once and a half, holly fk! what a joke!
here in oregon you can only grow for six people, can only have 6 plants, that are 12 ins by 12 inchs tall, so that w/be 36 plants that are atleast 12in tall and 12 ins wideThank-you!
Jeez asshole chill, you need to read the whole thread, and you are a dumbass for not using a card as an excuse, nobody is getting their door kicked down for 6 plants. You dont know his patience and their needs. Also man, the thought that you think someone should have to be sick to smoke pot is fucking ridiculous, I had a brain tumor when i was six, i get bad head aches and pot helps, i also suffer from sever anxiety and some ocd and pot helps. But more then anything man, i just like to blaze and people shouldnt have to make up an excuse to blaze. So fuck if you have a medical reason by all means get your card and smoke, if you dont, fuck the system, make up a lie and get your card!First off dipshit if you think of cultivating pot as a living your as dumb as the guy who posted this thread. Maybe you two should be grow buddies. Medical pot is for people who really need it wheather it be cancer or ADD. Little fuckin punks like yourselfs make it dam near impossible for a patient in serious need to supply them self with medicine without running the risk of getting there front door kicked in for 6 plants. Just because you have a 100 bucks to get yourself a medical licence does not mean you need it. One word comes to mind poser. Every guy i have known that grew pot for a living first off did it legit within his numbers and for every $1 of revinue he donated a $1 and paid his taxes on it and only supplyed clubs not husstlin trees to high schoolers for 300 a zip. Anyone who wants to get rich and lets be real this guy was not about to donate anything to anyone. He should have just grown like a man and not hid behind his medical licence. I was a care taker in the late 90's and got busted w more pot then i was able to have instead of pulling my card out i took the wrap like a man and learned my lesson i was not about to make my buddie or the rest of the canabis community suffer for my ignorance! Grow up!
I definitely agree that just about anyone should be able to smoke. Best way to put it is that cali. made prop 215 to leave it in the hands of doctors to decide what a legitimate reason for cannabis is. If it helps with depression, anxiety, or what not, then they have a medical need for it. One thing that annoys me are these high and mighty douchebags who believe it should only be allowed for terminally ill patients. You know what i think? That it sounds just like the government's position from the start.. "your problems aren't big enough for marijuana". Terminal patients didnt like being told that and patients with more minor problems don't like being told it. If a doctor gives it do you no one can say anything different to your actual need. Anything that can be abused will be abused by some, grow up and deal with life.Jeez asshole chill, you need to read the whole thread, and you are a dumbass for not using a card as an excuse, nobody is getting their door kicked down for 6 plants. You dont know his patience and their needs. Also man, the thought that you think someone should have to be sick to smoke pot is fucking ridiculous, I had a brain tumor when i was six, i get bad head aches and pot helps, i also suffer from sever anxiety and some ocd and pot helps. But more then anything man, i just like to blaze and people shouldnt have to make up an excuse to blaze. So fuck if you have a medical reason by all means get your card and smoke, if you dont, fuck the system, make up a lie and get your card!
Filla, much love man! Id come support you but i live in CO. Keep fighting, and keep us posted![]()
First off dipshit if you think of cultivating pot as a living your as dumb as the guy who posted this thread. Maybe you two should be grow buddies. Medical pot is for people who really need it wheather it be cancer or ADD. Little fuckin punks like yourselfs make it dam near impossible for a patient in serious need to supply them self with medicine without running the risk of getting there front door kicked in for 6 plants. Just because you have a 100 bucks to get yourself a medical licence does not mean you need it. One word comes to mind poser. Every guy i have known that grew pot for a living first off did it legit within his numbers and for every $1 of revinue he donated a $1 and paid his taxes on it and only supplyed clubs not husstlin trees to high schoolers for 300 a zip. Anyone who wants to get rich and lets be real this guy was not about to donate anything to anyone. He should have just grown like a man and not hid behind his medical licence. I was a care taker in the late 90's and got busted w more pot then i was able to have instead of pulling my card out i took the wrap like a man and learned my lesson i was not about to make my buddie or the rest of the canabis community suffer for my ignorance! Grow up!
They served a warrant for someone else from that address before. If they have a warrant to search someplace for someone, they get to search regardless of what you say about their current residence status. Completely bad luck.I was going to ask how they got a search warrant and then I seen you had almost 400 mature plants.
I wouldn't grow that much, and feel sorry for you to a point because it is just MJ, but it obviously was a cash crop or something fishy.
Thank you for letting people know with anecdotal evidence not to get out of control.
Yep. I'm sure.... notSheet, I hope you dont get a black cellmate with a 445" dick, that's an inch for each plant
Actually this deserves another...Hey and please remember to keep us updated about this. I'd like to hear, really. 445 plants? God damn! You gotta be kiddin' me
No kidding!you people kill me. Read the damn thread before you post.