

HEY HEY HEY NOW lets not put down all the under age Cannabis User, im 17 n use 2 smoke 3-4blunts a day atlest
n my homie Mark smokes lyke fuccin 8-10. but i aint tryin 2 say i smoke more then u. im just sayin i smoke just as much as the
next dude. And ya i live n my parents house n of course ima grow my shyt behind they bacc cuz they dont lyke that i smoke,
but tell me this if u were 17 and started smokin at 13 lyke me and wanted 2 grow wut u gunna do? be a good lil bitch boy n
follow yo parents every wish or have a lil secret plant 4 ur self.

Dont get me wrong this kid is dumb 2 say BUSTED!!! on the title. i thought dude was bout 2 get jail time 4 a huge ass stash

just had 2 throw that out there 4 all u old timers that think that growin should be left 2 the old people


Well-Known Member
yeah im only 17 too and ofcourse im growing in my parents house and dont go pissing people off saying shit about old timers the old timers know how to do it the best they were proberly growing before we were born and could grow the best weed we have ever smoked the old timers can teach us the way and help us along the path of growing :)


haha no doubt i didnt even mean old timers as disrespect thats just wut i call people above the age of 30
im just sayin people of all ages should grow were ever they want its just the under age dudes aint got no chooce
cuz were stillin livin with the parents 4 another year or so

and theres always a risk, shyt im taking the risk of my parents finding my plant, ur taking the risk of the D.E.A
bustin in that door n beatin the shyt outa u depending on how much u growin. ima knock on wood cuz i dont want either of
that 2 happen 2 any1 here


Well-Known Member
haha no doubt i didnt even mean old timers as disrespect thats just wut i call people above the age of 30
im just sayin people of all ages should grow were ever they want its just the under age dudes aint got no chooce
cuz were stillin livin with the parents 4 another year or so

and theres always a risk, shyt im taking the risk of my parents finding my plant, ur taking the risk of the D.E.A
bustin in that door n beatin the shyt outa u depending on how much u growin. ima knock on wood cuz i dont want either of
that 2 happen 2 any1 here

no risk of the D.E.A over here in england mate just the motherfucking police and for these 4 plants all i would get is a fine :P

peace and respect :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Man whats with all these kids saying they are 17?? You can seriously be banned for that, this site is strictly 18+....

If your under age on a site thats 18+ have some common sense and dont say your 17.

And to all the people that grow in their parents house without their parents knowing...You deserve to get busted. If I had kids and you were my kid and you tried growing without telling me I would get mad too....So would you if you ever went through the process of getting a bloody Mortgage...which isnt fucking easy...then theres the whole issue of insurance, or if your renting then theres the issue of your landlord freaking out.

And who gets blamed in all these situations...Not You...Nope. Its Your Parents that take the blame. It doesnt matter if your 17 or 19, if the house is in your parents name, and they dont know, then you have absolutely No business trying to grow weed.

Go get a job and get your own place and see how hard it is to maintain and then try growing weed...Trust me, Its not easy growing weed in rental aparmtents, I've been doing it for a couple years and its stressful as fuck.



Active Member
Man whats with all these kids saying they are 17?? You can seriously be banned for that, this site is strictly 18+....

If your under age on a site thats 18+ have some common sense and dont say your 17.

And to all the people that grow in their parents house without their parents knowing...You deserve to get busted. If I had kids and you were my kid and you tried growing without telling me I would get mad too....So would you if you ever went through the process of getting a bloody Mortgage...which isnt fucking easy...then theres the whole issue of insurance, or if your renting then theres the issue of your landlord freaking out.

And who gets blamed in all these situations...Not You...Nope. Its Your Parents that take the blame. It doesnt matter if your 17 or 19, if the house is in your parents name, and they dont know, then you have absolutely No business trying to grow weed.

Go get a job and get your own place and see how hard it is to maintain and then try growing weed...Trust me, Its not easy growing weed in rental aparmtents, I've been doing it for a couple years and its stressful as fuck.

lol at this guy, don't get ur panties in a bunch, bro, I'm sure they want weed too, and kids are always doin shit they aren't supposed to, big deal.

lmao @ him.

nobody said it was easy, and nobody said they don't care about their parents, and everybody already knows what your trying to say, it's common knowledge. who cares. they are going to grow anyways.

If they just grow 1 plant, i doubt anyone anywhere would even know unless the kid runs his mouth. If your parents can find your plant is wasn't hid well enough.

if your parents cant even find your plant, the D.E.A. sure as hell wont randomly crash through your home just to check for signs of growing.

in conclusion, its okay to grow while you're under 18, just as long as your not stupid enough to get caught.

trust me, if your parents don't suspect anything, the pigs/feds aren't going to single out a regular family and look for signs of growing... (which they wouldn't find anyways)

I've been doing it for a couple years and its stressful as fuck.
I can tell, you're totally bitter... nah you're foul. maybe u just had a bad day, maybe ur just a sour prick... you disgust me.

Bye, good growing guys!


Active Member
the only exception would be if you had like 50 plants growing under your floor boards or some shet, in which case your parents would notice a realllllllllly high light bill, and ur house would reek of buds,'

ok so don't grow if you are greedy, stupid, or your parents are stupid...


Well-Known Member
ok so don't grow if you are greedy, stupid, or your parents are stupid...
Dont grow in you parents house. PERIOD.

You dont get blamed....they do. If there was ever a fire, 1 stupid little plant in your closet could completely void your insurance....Where does that leave you?

Get a job, Move out, Get your own place, Then try growing weed.

Im not mad...Its just fucking common sense....These kids try growing weed at mommy and daddy's house then wonder WTF they got busted for and wonder WTF weed is Illegal for......grow up....Its not like your saving any money growing 1-4 plants in a closet. Anyone growing 1-4 plants is growing them for a hobby, or to be cool and show it off to their little friends...



Well-Known Member
Dont grow in you parents house. PERIOD.

You dont get blamed....they do. If there was ever a fire, 1 stupid little plant in your closet could completely void your insurance....Where does that leave you?

Get a job, Move out, Get your own place, Then try growing weed.

Im not mad...Its just fucking common sense....These kids try growing weed at mommy and daddy's house then wonder WTF they got busted for and wonder WTF weed is Illegal for......grow up....Its not like your saving any money growing 1-4 plants in a closet. Anyone growing 1-4 plants is growing them for a hobby, or to be cool and show it off to their little friends...


i think this guy needs to smoke a blunt n fuckin chill. growing and smoking marijuana is a culture. if the younger kids wanna take part, help pass it on. dont put them down and call 'em stupid kids. if an underage kid tries growing, they assume the risk and responsibility of doing so in their parents home. but to tell all "kids" to stop growing is rediculous.


Well-Known Member
i think this guy needs to smoke a blunt n fuckin chill. growing and smoking marijuana is a culture. if the younger kids wanna take part, help pass it on. dont put them down and call 'em stupid kids. if an underage kid tries growing, they assume the risk and responsibility of doing so in their parents home. but to tell all "kids" to stop growing is rediculous.
I didnt say stop growing. I said No one has any business growing in their parents house without their parents knowing.

If a 15 year old or a 17 year old wants to do a guerrilla grow, or get a job and get his own place to grow, More power to him!! I think that is Great! I would actually be impressed if a kid went out of his way to Not grow at his mommy's house.

I just think its ridiculous when kids are trying to grow plants in their parents house for "grow and tell" to impress their friends.



Well-Known Member
I agree with you guys 100%. In some states you can get serious time for this shit and never should bring the innocent in with you! Kid or not buck up and be a man. If your parents don’t approve of it don’t do it! I can’t stand roommates that just assume they can do shit without my permission as the home owner! Like the other guys just said if you go out and get a job and get your own place and start growing weed that’s your decision. When you get older and deal with a little more shit in life you will understand. If you want to grow find a nice little hidden spot in a wooded field that way when you get busted it’s just you and no one else (unless some idiot gets busted while trying to steal them and that’s his own damn fault) Please leave your mom and dad out of it. It’s probably hard for them to except the fact that there kid is smoking pot anyways, and doing stuff like that just sours there (positive) outlook on pot if they have any left.


Active Member
yeah thats not to bad, lucky its just his parents and not the busters, im thankful i didnt get BUSTED!!! i was kinda in his situation except mines not even close to budding, but ya im only 17 and my mom found 5 seedlings in a growbox in my garage she knew i smoke buds all the time but she had no clue i was growing. she was pretty surprised lol, but after all she ended up telling me to move them outside.I live in canada though and planting time is around may 24 weekend ive heard, theres been no frost on the ground for the last 2 weeks now in the morning but i didnt want to take the chance with my few (hopefully) ladies who did sprout. they seem to be doing alright 1 died but 2 have just started growing there second set of leaves.


Active Member
I went about it the wrong way to, but now that i have my moms approval of growing my 2 plants on her 10 acres by all means im going to, and no disrespect intended to the person who said growings an adult game. You may be masters of it but who's going to be around to do it when your gone, my generation, so im just getting a head start. I may be new to but you have to learn somewhere aswell as growing these 2 plants so far has been as much fun or more then i have when i smoke weed. I'm just not baited like other guy


Well-Known Member
All you 17 year olds need to get the hell out of here. You are disrespectful simply in virtue of the fact that you said you were 18 when you created an account and are compromising the integrity of this site by being here. Get the hell out.

And you will be banned - I guarantee you.


Well-Known Member
my god get a life kiddos. learn to be indipendant before you grow. hve some fucking respect for yor goddamn parents.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah one more thing.... who pays for the electricity that yo use up ? oh thts right , mommy and daddy.


ok timsatx1...
last time i heard the word daddy yo bitch is screaming it at me.

second ima tell u lyke i tell every dirt old bitch/Parents in this fuccin website

dont even talk bout me lyke u no me u fuccin grandpa. i got nothing but the uterly most repsect in the world for my mom... all im doin is keepin 1 lil Mama plant in my closet no big deal. wut mama doesnt no doesnt hurt her ya feel me? we all cant be good lil bitch boys lyke u k? so shut that fuccin mouth. i didnt join the site 2 get bitched at buy 30year olds n shyt if u dont aprove dont read my shyt. i joined 4 help on growin so if u aint gunna tell me something helpfull then "SHUT THAT FUCCIN MOUTH" n mind ya own fuccin problems, just cuz u gota kid or wut ever the fuccin reason u think u gota put ur 2cents in, i dont give a fuccin that u 100years old or 17years old stfu n mind ur self. actin lyke growin in my parents house is the worst thing on the face of this earth, n how im super disrespectfull.

o n dicchead u wanna no who helps pay rent n my house?
n u wanna no were everything in my room came from??? Me