Busted...Plan B?


Active Member
I wouldnt put my plant by the window ok your legal but advertises to other people and they might wanna get there hands on it, plus wen it comes to 12/12 you will have to keep moving them into darkness, my advice would be build a budget set-up, u said you got the space get yourself a few cfls a fan ect ect dont have to go all out, But if its goin to be long term then you may want to consider spending a bit on it and you will make your return,


New Member
We are legal for medical marijuana so I'm not worried about going to jail
First off, I want to say I am not a lawyer and have no legal training. But if you are a legal grower, it sounds to me that your landlord vandalized your property. Did you have a copy of your med card near your grow? As I understand it, a legal grower can not be discriminated against by a landlord for growing. Trashing your plants seems pretty fucking discriminatory to me.


Active Member
Ahhhhh. He didn't trash my plants....just the area I was growing tall grass in to protect my future grow spot. My plants are perfect. The problem is that it is his property...and if he said no rutabagas...well, no rutubagas. but he said he does " not want to see" any MJ.
B00linib...thanks. Yeah. I'm on the hedge between lights and an indoor growspace and the window. I'm enjoying this as a hobby so far so may consider investing a bit of dough. Just can't decide how complicated I should get.

Hmmmmmm. Well, I have a decision to make. Thanks for all of the comments...especially the helpful ones.



New Member
Ahhhhh. He didn't trash my plants....just the area I was growing tall grass in to protect my future grow spot. My plants are perfect. The problem is that it is his property...and if he said no rutabagas...well, no rutubagas. but he said he does " not want to see" any MJ.
I misunderstood your original post. You could always start them in a window while you save up for your grow room. It's not really too expensive to get started with a small grow. Anyway, good luck.


Active Member
Thanks Howard. I think I've pretty much decided to move forward with a full on indoor grow. I mean, we have a license to grow pot???!!!! I definitely want to take advantage of it!

Again...thanks for the comments guys...more to come