Busted... need info


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm at the place I'm staying and I'm in the back and there's a knock on the door. It's the cops. They're going from apartment building to apartment building asking if the neighbors have seen anything suspicious such as a stalker and what not. Anyways, my friend tells the person at the door to go ahead and open it even though he knew it was the cops. Basically, they found a pipe and a little less than an 8th. I'm in Georgia and was wondering what a fine would be for a first time offense "Drug Related Objects" charge and a "Possession of a controlled substance Marijuana under 1oz" charge.

I'm still looking online for some information but keeps getting all these bullshit sites... Any info would be great. And yes, I know my friend was a dumb ass and shouldn't have even let them in and asked for a warrant.


Well-Known Member
If it's your first offense then the NORML website says you're subject to probation, but no fines. The charge will be dropped once you serve the probation.


Active Member
Judges have discretionary privileges in assessing fines for misdemeanor drug charges in GA unfortunately. My roommate last year got popped with the exact same two charges and, even with high quality legal aid, had to pay a $1,000 fine and serve 6 months probation.

Good news, though, is that it did come off of his record. Get good legal support and steer clear of trouble during probation -- you'll be back to normal in 6 months to a year.

I really need Barney Frank's bill to push through, Georgia is suffocatingly conservative and backwards when it comes the ganj.


Well-Known Member
No joke. Well, I can't afford a good attorney or any attorney at the moment but either way I can talk down prosecutors or "solicitors" a good bit. Yay powers of reason. It is fucked up though considering I got a charge thanks to my friend...