Busted LED setup


Well-Known Member
Look at this grow recently busted in the uk.....

edp 24 News

18 September 2008

Police arrested two men and seized more than 100 cannabis plants from a drugs factory in a Norfolk village today.

Officers led by Sgt Mark Cant, from the Terrington Safer Neighbourhood Team,

raided an address in xxxxxxxxxxxxx Way, xxxxxxxton Xx xxxxxxxxx, this morning.

Two men, aged 30 and 58, were arrested on suspicion of being concerned in the production of cannabis.

Hydroponic growing equipment and lights were also seized from the property.

Insp Paul Durham said: “This was a Safer Neighbourhood Team-led operation and illustrates that local police teams have the powers to carry out all aspects of a local community's policing needs.

“Information about criminal activity in our neighbourhoods will be acted on by the Safer Neighbourhood Team and enforcement action, such as this, taken where needed.”

Police say communities can help them detect drug related crime. Telltale signs of cannabis factories can include windows of a property being permanently covered with condensation, gardening equipment left outside or a pungent smell emanating from inside.

Anyone with information can call your local Safer Neighbourhood Team on 0845 fuk u fuk u or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 fuk u fuk u.

What you reckon, LEDs?

And this is what they call a drugs factory nowadays :lol: sad


Well-Known Member
:oops: whoops sorry forgot the pic........ Oh ffs it wont upload, file extension unrecognised?? il see if i can convert it.


Well-Known Member
Thing is theyre getting charged with production of cannabis of over 100 plants, which is basically the charge for growing with intent to supply here, growing for personal use is charged as simple cultivation of a controlled substance and carries a much lesser sentance, theyre gonna go down for production of 100 lame plants and do some time at her majesties pleasure :lol: Come on uk growers SORT IT OUT!