Busted In Houston Tx

What reason would they have for the child being in danger? Not going to school? They have a right to enter because they smelled the weed
dont wanna be a debbie downer, but they can enter the house if they believe and in this case they will say they did believe the child might be endangered.

in TX, if they smell it; you handed em the keys to the premises. probable cause; child or no. domicile or business; they smell it & it's on like a pot of neckbone...
Is that how it is in texas? Damn... all that for bail? The state must have a lot of money. Goverment drug tests aren't cheap

LOL they usually use the in-house shitty ones. they don't pay for off site analysis... good thing too, cuz the cheap ones are easy to fool! :)
good luck finding a doctor to retro a mj script .. If you can , great ... but I'm guessing this wont happen . You need good legal representation and you need it quickly , there are firms and individual lawyers that specialize in mj cases .. you obviously have access to a comp .. I think even hightimes website has some ads for these attorneys . Dont mess around with your future .. get a good attorney , some of these will take payments and make payment arrangements with mj bustees . Texas is a bad state to get busted in to begin with. .. I used to drive through it going to mexico a few times a year - I'll never forget all those " Dont mess with texas " highway signs , and they mean it ... Seriously !! dont mess around with this , this could get very ugly - get a good attorney and agree to nothing ! admitt nothing , dont make or sign any statements ... get representation ! invoke your right to remain silent and do so !! Being in your shoes is the stuff our nightmares are made of ... I feel so bad for you having to go through this - If I knew a good mj attorney I'd hook you up , but thankfully I havn't had to find one yet . There is surley a good number of members here who could be in the same situation at almost any given time ... just scares the shit outa me tbh ....

Best of luck ... hope it works out for you .... find a good attorney - like yesterday ..... :sad:
you need to file an affidavit of non-prosecution for your wife; claiming all responsibility. that'll make it easier for her to get the kids back.

I've dealt with Texas law enforcement. Not fun.
I had just returned from Mexico, and got a condo with a relative in League City, Galveston county. My car had Minnesota plates, because
that's where I lived before my 2 years in Mexico. My plates were legit, I was legit. I got stopped while getting gas, and spent 3 hours talking
with them, they searched my car many times. Searched me. I got to talk with immigration because I have a Spanish last name, they thought
I was maybe illegal, or smuggling stuff. They tore my car up. And when they realized they had nothing on me, they were still rude to me, and
left without an apology.
yeah but you still report & are subject to piss tests... :(

Indeed. My little cousin got a dui there. She got tested a few times a week awaiting trial.
And up to a few times a week during her year of probation. They even hooked up a device
to her car, a breathalyser. She had to pass that for her car to start.
I've dealt with Texas law enforcement. Not fun.
I had just returned from Mexico, and got a condo with a relative in League City, Galveston county. My car had Minnesota plates, because
that's where I lived before my 2 years in Mexico. My plates were legit, I was legit. I got stopped while getting gas, and spent 3 hours talking
with them, they searched my car many times. Searched me. I got to talk with immigration because I have a Spanish last name, they thought
I was maybe illegal, or smuggling stuff. They tore my car up. And when they realized they had nothing on me, they were still rude to me, and
left without an apology.

LMFAO!!! MN plates in Galveston!?!? are you crazy!?!? you scream "I'M MOVING WEIGHT!!" with those plates bro... hell yeah they fucked with you dude!!!!

I guarantee they all left thinking the same thing: "We just got him before he made his pick up, that's all. we'll get him next time by God!"
LMFAO!!! MN plates in Galveston!?!? are you crazy!?!? you scream "I'M MOVING WEIGHT!!" with those plates bro... hell yeah they fucked with you dude!!!!

A Mexican with Minnesota plates, just returned from Mexico. And in a nicer car, not a BMW or anything, just a 1 year old Dodge.
I'm not surprised I got stopped, but the 3 hours of tearing my car up and my questioning with the immigration was a little much.

I moved out of there pretty quickly. I was not welcomed there. Went back to Duluth. And live in Cali now.
What reason would they have for the child being in danger? Not going to school? They have a right to enter because they smelled the weed

in his first post he said they kids skipped school went to friends house, so no one at that time was able to find him, hence my child endangerment theory.
In Texas, I consider going to public school child endangerment. Yeah, this is an effed up state alright. Their priorities are pretty screwed up.
an attorney can cut through this bullshit charge like a hot knife through butter, 1. a cop can not enter a home without permission, if they do it will be get allowed as evidence in court. 2. they smell marijuana..they can wait for a warrant and then enter. 3. i would move out of texas..never been there but i hate hard ass cops that abuse their authority and texas screams hillbilly hard ass cops. jury trial is always the way to go all it takes is 1 juror to laugh at this bullshit.
A Mexican with Minnesota plates, just returned from Mexico. And in a nicer car, not a BMW or anything, just a 1 year old Dodge.
I'm not surprised I got stopped, but the 3 hours of tearing my car up and my questioning with the immigration was a little much.

I moved out of there pretty quickly. I was not welcomed there. Went back to Duluth. And live in Cali now.

yeah peeps don't realize how fucked up & white power south texas is. Seriously; James Byrd? Vidor? Bridge City? Beaumont? nazi strong hold. Aryan Nations is big down there; I know cuz I did time at the Gist unit in Beaumont & I was at war with those fucksacks the entire time; thank GOD for the Mexican Mafia & my fluency en Espanol (the fact that i was free world tattoo artist didn't hurt either :) )
yeah peeps don't realize how fucked up & white power south texas is. Seriously; James Byrd? Vidor? Bridge City? Beaumont? nazi strong hold. Aryan Nations is big down there; I know cuz I did time at the Gist unit in Beaumont & I was at war with those fucksacks the entire time; thank GOD for the Mexican Mafia & my fluency en Espanol (the fact that i was free world tattoo artist didn't hurt either :) )

I probably will not be returning to Texas anytime soon. I do plan on returning to Mexico though. I will go around Texas.
I would be going to estado Veracruz, cuidad de Coatzacoalcos. The most logical travel route would be to cross at Brownsville,
least amount of travel. I'm crossing in TJ. Doubles my driving hours, but at least I don't have to see Texas again.
Texas is a big place. Certainly, you can not compare Vidor to Austin. What happened to the op in this thread?
I probably will not be returning to Texas anytime soon. I do plan on returning to Mexico though. I will go around Texas.
I would be going to estado Veracruz, cuidad de Coatzacoalcos. The most logical travel route would be to cross at Brownsville,
least amount of travel. I'm crossing in TJ. Doubles my driving hours, but at least I don't have to see Texas again.
I SOOOOOO do not blame you. I spent considerable time Est. Tamaulipas, Ciudad Gonzalez out by Mante. If it makes you feel any better, the Mexican cops thought I was a drug dealer too! :)
Last week my stepson did not get on the school bus, instead he went to a friends house. School called the police and they met my wife at our house. The police told her that they had to search the house for him. Before i left for work i had medicated in my bedroom. Soon as the pigs entered they smelled it and told my wife to step out. they went straight to my room and found about 3oz of white widow and 1.5oz of mango kush. Then they went upstairs and saw that the bathroom linen closet had a lockset on it and wanted in... my wife told them she did not have a key and they could not enter. they popped the lock and found my grow. 25 widows and 5 mango kush 3 days into flower. She called me to give me a heads up on what had happened, so i rushed home to take responsibility for my grow and attempt to save her from jail (she does not smoke but knows that i need to) Soon as i arrived home they arrested both of us....charged with poss 4oz to 5lbs (felony) Now here is the real bitch... they called CPS and took our kids away... said that growing in my attic was dangerous to the kids health...Also we have not even been to court yet and allready we are on probation and both owe over 1,000$ each!!! one state over this is perfectly fine and normal but here it is not only illegal but dangerous......wtf fml..... FIGHT THE POWER!!!

Ouch... I'm guessing your not a legal smoker/grower. Lost your kids because of it... yeah, your in for a rough rough next couple of years my friend. Best of luck to ya's!
