I've personally had Government Officials forge my signature, when I signed Under Duress. Other than using scare tatics to extort funds, Here is the questions that We have for Him. ( Your Atty.)
#1.) Does the School employ Truency Offices? A simple fucking Yes or No would work? After so many $1,000's of Dollars Am I asking to much? It's not a "Police State, and of course, the Police Dept. has NO jurisdiction ..... unless a crime stated in the TX Penal Code has been claimed. Yes or No. If no. the whole case void, Evidencene gained by the fruit of the"Posion Tree." If you don't find the answer as to what started this whole ball of wax started, the snowball effect, it will never be understood. Understanding is key to defense.
I say.... The Police had no authority whatsoever to come to Your Wife.... waiting for you to go to work, to proceed on a tip of growing, using your Son as a piss-ass excuse due to lack of probable cause. We all know that Women are least likely to give a good defense, wait 'till the Husband is gone. That's exactly what I see/think. Lack of Jurisdiction, using the Wife as a means to probable cause, it was never about the Son. Over the years, they have worked on ways to get around probable cause, the Game Wardens,.. using them because they could not get a Judge to sign a warrant. They got busted for such. Somebody snitched, which is, and will never be a cause for a warrant. Instead of trying to do it right, they cut conners, devised a method to use the Son, while you were away, to gain acess. Because your Wife said & did the right things, it saved your ass, legally. But they was bound to enter, to satisfy the commanding Officers, and could NOT back off. Due to some ignorant female. I truely believe this is the true story. Hug your Wife, she done perfect. The Police report reflexs so. As said before, the "Insinuated" they had the Authority, after a fefusal, plus, they was out of thier Jurisdiction. It's called, "It ain't no fun when the Rabbit gets the gun". And you have the Gun.
Your Atty. sucks, extording money via fears & knowalage of Law. "HE" knows better. But consider, He has to live there, also, can't piss off the Local law.... Think about that. NEVER hire an Atty. living in the same area!....
Be a nice person later, time for the throat. You've paid them 7 plus Grand thus far? What Motions has been filed.... Discovery, to Dismiss, surely.
Just make out a YES or NO question to the Atty. Was the local Police autherized to be sent out on a stupid ass skipping school ordeal ? Yes or No. Straight up question, watch the reaction, watch the beating around the bush. When the Atty. has to scruim and hemhal, to answer a paid for question, Houston, We have a problem.
I would call the local IAD, quit putting your life solely on one BS person, and set up an appointment to report Police abuse. I would also think about using this criminal case to document everything needed to do a full civil action suit without a cost to you, let the State pay for info that you need to do a documented civil action suit. The more that is documented now, is less a civil action suit will cost.... get my drit? Call IAD, show them the paper work.. Police Report. Throw in that American Statesman Newspaper might be interested, in Austin. I made front page, a bus load of reporters & IAD showed uo. "Internal Affiairs Dept." Hope this helped.