Busted for under a gram


hey guys i was out for my youngest brothers 19th birthday we went to the bar in Windsor Ontario we were leaving the bar and my idiot brother took his beer out with him... the pigs stopped us and started giving us drinking fines i was drunk and pissed off and said this is bull shit, i should have kept my mouth shut but i made a dumb move.. the cops searched us and found a not even a gram of weed on me.... they charged me with possesion and sent me off to jail.. i got a lawyer as this was my 2nd time with this bullshit charge... does anyone know what the chances of me getting away with tihs is??? i cant be charged or i will lose my job... is it likeley i will be charged or will they throw it out?? what a waste of are tax dollars....


Well-Known Member
I don't know Canada is strange, I was arrested for smuggling marijuana residue at the border, they found a empty bag and a screw driver with resin on it. And when they asked if I wanted a lawyer I told them yes. They said I could leave for 60 dollars. Paid it and went into canada. Place was cool though.


Active Member
Thats Windsor for you. I hate that town lol
But I definitely would have not said anything. I have a few friends that are cops, and they have told me that the message they receive down from their chief is that they do not have the budget to be busting people for small amounts of marijuana.. You must have either caught this cop on a bad day, or you said something that really pissed him off.

I bet that you will get let off.. The cop is just trying to teach you a lesson.

Chad Sexington

Active Member
I thought having less than an ounce on you in Canada was a 115 dollar fine. Then you could go to the Justice of Peace and have it dropped to 35 dollars. When did this change?


Active Member
No idea about canada, but when I was 17, the cops came to my house with 4 cops and 2 dogs because my paperboy saw me smoking on my back porch, from behind privacy hedges. They didnt have a warrant, but I was a dumb 17 yo who really didnt know much and they knew it. They threatened me and started yelling at me and making up a LOT of bullshit, they even had there dog false hit on a bag I gave them, which was used to hold cookies, not pot cookies, but normal cookies, not pot ever touched that baggie. Basically, I let them in, they searched my room, tore the room a new ass hole (took days to clean it all up) took my pipe and less than a gram of weed, literally a single nug of brick. Was arrested, put on a year probation, $800 in fines and 12 hours community service.

I KNOW I was dumb, this was almost 6 years ago now. No need to remind me, you can, but it won't help much lol. Never let them in, or open the door even, ever.
You need to be more careful about where you´re caring your weed. You didn´t do anything wrong, you just got into a position where this police officer was able to abuse of his authority. Anybody who was even half ass cool about it would have let you go on your way. Less than a gram is nothing to worry about, next time eat it in his face before he´s able to confiscate it.


Well-Known Member
You need to be more careful about where you´re caring your weed. You didn´t do anything wrong, you just got into a position where this police officer was able to abuse of his authority. Anybody who was even half ass cool about it would have let you go on your way. Less than a gram is nothing to worry about, next time eat it in his face before he´s able to confiscate it.
If he does that he could be charged with destroying evidence or some such shit.:dunce: He didn't do anything wrong huh? Let's review shall we? He was drunk in public (not sure about the law on that in Canada), had a gram of weed on him and he mouthed off to a cop! Now, we could go back and forth all day long about the mouthing off part since it doesn't sound like he broke any law there, but it's never a good idea to mouth off to a cop, EVER! Look, I think it's bullshit for anybody to be arrested for any amount of weed, but to say he didn't do anything wrong is a bit misguided. He did lots of things wrong and it sounds like he broke a couple of laws in the process. I'm not a big fan of cops but they are people too, and if someone mouths off to me I'm not very likely to do them any favors if ya know what I mean?;-)


Well-Known Member
Cops should be able to write dumbass tickets. Or make them spend a nite in the slam with a dunce cap on.


If he does that he could be charged with destroying evidence or some such shit.:dunce: He didn't do anything wrong huh? Let's review shall we? He was drunk in public (not sure about the law on that in Canada), had a gram of weed on him and he mouthed off to a cop! Now, we could go back and forth all day long about the mouthing off part since it doesn't sound like he broke any law there, but it's never a good idea to mouth off to a cop, EVER! Look, I think it's bullshit for anybody to be arrested for any amount of weed, but to say he didn't do anything wrong is a bit misguided. He did lots of things wrong and it sounds like he broke a couple of laws in the process. I'm not a big fan of cops but they are people too, and if someone mouths off to me I'm not very likely to do them any favors if ya know what I mean?;-)
i was drunk because i was walking out of a bar rite out the front door! and i said that getting a ticket is bullshit that aint really mouthing off...


anyhow the charges were dropped because the cop was known for busting ppl like myself for small amounts and waisting court time and tax payers dollars... the judge laughed rite awayand said charges are being dropped and the lawyer said the cop was told to stop being a dumb ass in private.,..... I think its funny tho that some of u on here act like it cant happen to u.... everytime u walk out your front door with a joint or a bag or harvest your outdoor plants it can happen so to all you cocky morons who said looks good on you or my fav
Cops should be able to write dumbass tickets. Or make them spend a nite in the slam with a dunce cap on.

everytime u smoke a joint its illegal or grow weed you have a chance of getting caught so piss off


Well-Known Member
glad it worked out .. and ya there will always be some like that lol just smile .. it will happen to them or someone close to them eventually ..


Well-Known Member
In the end, all it is, is you telling the cop about your feelings, and those are feelings that you need to stuff back inside your pussy because all they did is excalate the situation and almost got your ass handed to you.

And you are right, it can happen to you...when you open your fucking mouth to a cop trying to be a tough guy.