Busted for posting to RIU


Well-Known Member
IM WITH DOUBLE JJ COME AND GET ME! i been to jail before (max 6 mo. at a time) and juve time its not so bad free food, playing cards and dminoes (thanks i pay taxes).. dont have to hear my lady gripe get to see her 1x a week... shiit sounds like vacation to me.. minus all the chainlink no herb =)
hahahahahha your the man


Well-Known Member
It might be paranoia; maybe I am just imagining some DEA fed looking at this site and wondering how to bust all these horrible cultivators of this demon weed. Then one day he reads this post and realizes he can use a program to pull all of the pictures off this site. Then he can run a script to separate out all pics with exif data and gps coordinates. Then maybe they would cross check them with google maps and maybe electric company records for homes in that area. Then maybe get a warrant and go knocking down a few doors. Or hell it doesn't even have to be a fed, some ripper could do the same thing and then they go and steal all yo shit. Paranoid.... maybe, but I would rather be safe than sorry. It only takes a min. to wipe the exif off a photo and it can save you a lot of trouble.


Well-Known Member
I checked the exif data on the pics from my phone. I keep the GPS off until I actually need it, and have been actively aware to check for that before I take the pics. I use xnview and it has a feature for manipulating the exif data, such as modifying, scrubbing, exporting... So I exported to see what it actually shows. There is no serial number on mine, as far as I can tell.

So then I was thinking... If I include the GPS but *change* it, perhaps to an officer's address, who I'm aware lives down the street.. Then wouldn't that be interesting to watch what happens?
Sounds like kopbusters


Well-Known Member
It might be paranoia; maybe I am just imagining some DEA fed looking at this site and wondering how to bust all these horrible cultivators of this demon weed. Then one day he reads this post and realizes he can use a program to pull all of the pictures off this site. Then he can run a script to separate out all pics with exif data and gps coordinates. Then maybe they would cross check them with google maps and maybe electric company records for homes in that area. Then maybe get a warrant and go knocking down a few doors. Or hell it doesn't even have to be a fed, some ripper could do the same thing and then they go and steal all yo shit. Paranoid.... maybe, but I would rather be safe than sorry. It only takes a min. to wipe the exif off a photo and it can save you a lot of trouble.

an oz of prevention worth a pound of cure i believe is the saying..=) i just use an old.. old work camera..lo

can anyone see my "exif" data???l


Active Member
what about the computer's ip address that you've uploaded the picture from? can that be traced? and what programs can you use to block exif data?


Well-Known Member
IP addresses can be traced, but they are not publicly viewable like exif data is, and they require a supenoia from a judge to get the information from your ISP. You can always change your IP by using a proxy. Also after going through several posts this appears to be a real problem on this site. Want to mind fuck someone, send them a google maps link showing were their grow op is.... I know if someone did that to me I would shit my pants. I think there should be a sticky on how to safely create posts and remove all exif data.