Busted 4 days after 420

Sorry about the bust , firebrand. You have my sympathy.
On another note, our pal Larry, can you see him as Mr.Natural talking to Flakey Floont?
"It's a nuisance, you have to look after the plant,,"
a couple of my buddies back in the day got in trouble with e pills and another buddy with a couple zones of herb n contributing to a minor. dont recall them ever servin time tho, one got work crew and another a shit ton of fines. fishy.
a couple of my buddies back in the day got in trouble with e pills and another buddy with a couple zones of herb n contributing to a minor. dont recall them ever servin time tho, one got work crew and another a shit ton of fines. fishy.

defiantly needs to be looked into then......
and you need less "buddies"
I am all for this and for reform. I just want to remind everybody to watch their backs when they do this. Make sure you have a dummy email account. You want to stay protected and not have the feds breathing down our back. :peace:
yes very good point. Hushmail - Free Email with Privacy is a redirected email server that i use. but to be honety with you. i will be going to the library or somewhere else to send this email.

also one more thing. be wise about what you say. unfortunately just a few moronic statements, or uneducated burn outs would do more damage than good. what i am trying to say is people like GP420 and the moron with the views about letting kids help grow and smoke, you idiots keep your mouth shut. or maybe someone could draft and form letter to be sent.
For once, I'm gonna keep it real... Unlike alot of you.

I just want to say that I do feel your pain.. not on getting busted, but dealing with the whole "system" as a result of getting busted.

It really is a big fucking head ache...been there

With that being said;

The truth is, it was YOUR own fucking fault.

Its good and all that your sharing your story, but you have nobody to blame (Im not saying your blaming anybody but your self)

I mean... can you really be that stupid???

Telling people that your putting "energy efficient" bulbs... blah blah blah.... blah blah blah...

I mean, Is it really THAT hard to just SHUT THE FUCK UP and lay low for 3 months until you harvest?

These are all things you should of thought about...

Before you grow next time.. keep your big mouth shut and think to your self;

"How can they bust me?"... think long and hard....

After a while you will release they're only a FEW things that can get you pinched..

1) Stealing power
2) Odor
3) Plant material, trimmings, fertilizer, etc..
4) Snitches "aka" haters with no life that are jealous

You see which step you missed?

Sry if I came off harsh man..

even though I don't know you, Your stupidity really pissed me off.... I mean.. why even tell anybody??

Did you really need to boost your ego/bragging rights THAT much?? jeezz

Your 15 seconds of bragging rights cost you your FROSTY ASS BUDS.... and possibly your freedom.

And to top that off, your local crack head, dissed you on LIVE T.V...

can it really get any more embarrassing then that??


I hope you learned your lesson.



Seriously bro... I can just place my self in your shoes, and I can almost feel your pain now.....

God bless
wow i am so glad we have people like this who can come in a spout off with the wisdom they obtained by getting busted them self. then top it off by insulting one who is sharing their story.

what your rambling sounds like is something your daddy told you when you got busted, and now you feel the need to pour that shit on to someone else. you think this guy don't know "The truth is, it was YOUR own fucking fault." again sounds like something your daddy, judge, or parole officer told you when they were trying to get you to roll over on all your friends.

well genius he already stated this in the begining. i don't think he was looking for sympathy, he was updating his grow, and sharing a story.

"I mean... can you really be that stupid???" well why not? you where!!! right? again daddy was harsh on you.

instead of your bullshit diatribe which does no good for anybody. i ask you? genius , which step did you missed? let us know because that would be more beneficial than the spewdom you came in here with. i listed them below. so let us know!!!

"Telling people that your putting "energy efficient" bulbs... blah blah blah.... blah blah blah...

I mean, Is it really THAT hard to just SHUT THE FUCK UP and lay low for 3 months until you harvest?

These are all things you should of thought about...

Before you grow next time.. keep your big mouth shut and think to your self;

"How can they bust me?"... think long and hard....

After a while you will release they're only a FEW things that can get you pinched..

1) Stealing power
2) Odor
3) Plant material, trimmings, fertilizer, etc..
4) Snitches "aka" haters with no life that are jealous"

so which one was it? i am willing to bet it was all of them. and you are really just scolding yourself. now if you had just started off like that then "Your stupidity (wouldnt have) really pissed me off"

"can it really get any more embarrassing then that??"
no what would be more embarrassing than that is, making the same mistake and going through what he is about to face, then come on a site and blast another, instead of trying to share your experience. now thats would be embarrassing!!!!!!

now i want you to answer your own question.
"I hope you learned your lesson." did you?

and the last but most ignorant statement you made was coming in here with all the hate, and then exit with "God bless" i hate hypocritical assholes. as a matter of fact your whole damn post was hypocritical in its self.

one last question for you boy wonder with all the answers. did you? "keep your big mouth shut and think to yourself " or did you rat all your friends and foes out. i bet the answer is yes. and that why you have the attitude you have, and no teeth.

no god bless here. just a hardy piss off!!!!!!!
sooo do you really think there was 25 000 dollars worth of weed growing lol thats so over exagerated.
this thread is REAL. dude got his door kicked in. it's the last thing ANY of us would want to happen. we are all at this site for 1 main reason. i just don't understand how anyone could bad mouth this guy. if you aren't for him then you are against him. if you are against him you shouldn't be here.
I feel for you, man. That really sucks!
There is noone more full of shit than a cop! They've got politicians and clergy beat all to hell. That Capt. Cobb is a lying cocksucker and a 4 flushing son of a bitch! $25k? Not intended for personal use? Targeted at juveniles? Give me a fucking break! Did he mind meld with the guy? Have scientists manipulated genes and created a psycic pig? Then what the fuck does he think he knows about your intentions? That fat fucking clown needs to go back to the circus where he belongs and he needs to take the reporters with him.
I apologize to anyone I may have offended with my language. Sorry, but this type of unadulterated bullshit just gets my shorts in a bunch.
sooo do you really think there was 25 000 dollars worth of weed growing lol thats so over exagerated.

I always get a kick out of the estimates made by different cops........
**** In the US--- 1 - 1/4oz ..." We've got us a major drug kingpin, definite sell weight"
**** In Canada--- 1- 1/4 POUND...." Fuck Joe, dump some of that shit.
Do you want to do paperwork all night. We've got us a minor puffer"
An old friend got caught with over 150 plants, (2nd time) He got 1 year, did 4 months...
In the US if you have a dickhead neighbor, he can call in a tip and watch the fucking swat, army, air force, KKK, and every fuck with a gun or a grudge show up and put on a show...
Grim stuff !!!
That ham sammich is in his beard. Maybe that would be a great place for small stealth grow. Give Larry enough alky to put him into a stupor, place two clones, then catch up with at harvest time, spin him around a few times until he's really dizzy and then harvest!
wow i am so glad we have people like this who can come in a spout off with the wisdom they obtained by getting busted them self. then top it off by insulting one who is sharing their story.

what your rambling sounds like is something your daddy told you when you got busted, and now you feel the need to pour that shit on to someone else. you think this guy don't know "The truth is, it was YOUR own fucking fault." again sounds like something your daddy, judge, or parole officer told you when they were trying to get you to roll over on all your friends.

well genius he already stated this in the begining. i don't think he was looking for sympathy, he was updating his grow, and sharing a story.

"I mean... can you really be that stupid???" well why not? you where!!! right? again daddy was harsh on you.

instead of your bullshit diatribe which does no good for anybody. i ask you? genius , which step did you missed? let us know because that would be more beneficial than the spewdom you came in here with. i listed them below. so let us know!!!

"Telling people that your putting "energy efficient" bulbs... blah blah blah.... blah blah blah...

I mean, Is it really THAT hard to just SHUT THE FUCK UP and lay low for 3 months until you harvest?

These are all things you should of thought about...

Before you grow next time.. keep your big mouth shut and think to your self;

"How can they bust me?"... think long and hard....

After a while you will release they're only a FEW things that can get you pinched..

1) Stealing power
2) Odor
3) Plant material, trimmings, fertilizer, etc..
4) Snitches "aka" haters with no life that are jealous"

so which one was it? i am willing to bet it was all of them. and you are really just scolding yourself. now if you had just started off like that then "Your stupidity (wouldnt have) really pissed me off"

"can it really get any more embarrassing then that??"
no what would be more embarrassing than that is, making the same mistake and going through what he is about to face, then come on a site and blast another, instead of trying to share your experience. now thats would be embarrassing!!!!!!

now i want you to answer your own question.
"I hope you learned your lesson." did you?

and the last but most ignorant statement you made was coming in here with all the hate, and then exit with "God bless" i hate hypocritical assholes. as a matter of fact your whole damn post was hypocritical in its self.

one last question for you boy wonder with all the answers. did you? "keep your big mouth shut and think to yourself " or did you rat all your friends and foes out. i bet the answer is yes. and that why you have the attitude you have, and no teeth.

no god bless here. just a hardy piss off!!!!!!!

You're one dumb son of a bitch.... seriously

You just made me lol.

I know i was sort of harsh on the guy... I'm sorry for that..

It's just that we NEED to point out a few things out to all the "noobs" that are planning to grow...

Thats what I was doing...

If your smart, and just STFU, you really have nothing to worry about.. that is the fucking truth..

I mean, If you invest in good lights, good seeds, carbon filter, etc..

I just want to know why he didn't invest in "keeping his mouth shut"??

Now, back to you....

Eat a dick faggot... you don't know me..

Talking all this nonsense and shit..

You're one dumb son of a bitch.... seriously

You just made me lol.

I know i was sort of harsh on the guy... I'm sorry for that..

It's just that we NEED to point out a few things out to all the "noobs" that are planning to grow...

Thats what I was doing...

If your smart, and just STFU, you really have nothing to worry about.. that is the fucking truth..

I mean, If you invest in good lights, good seeds, carbon filter, etc..

I just want to know why he didn't invest in "keeping his mouth shut"??

Now, back to you....

Eat a dick faggot... you don't know me..

Talking all this nonsense and shit..


congatulations, you get a yellow sticker for that one. :mrgreen::peace:
this thread is REAL. dude got his door kicked in. it's the last thing ANY of us would want to happen. we are all at this site for 1 main reason. i just don't understand how anyone could bad mouth this guy. if you aren't for him then you are against him. if you are against him you shouldn't be here.

Hold on..

Was that comment directed to me?

How am I against him??

Just cause I'm too real?????

Hold on..

Was that comment directed to me?

How am I against him??

Just cause I'm too real?????


so by saying "for real" and then adding the little "god bless" at the end gives you the right to blast the guy? yours was the rudest, most offensive post of this thread. but that's ok 'cause you're just being real? BULLSHIT. i don't think you said 1 thing the guy didn't already know. and they way you said it was just WRONG. :evil:
i tell EVERYONE. i invite people over i have never met in my life. i tell them to bring friends. i have a card but the feds could still come get me. so what am i?