Busted 4 days after 420

actually its aainst the law for an officer to check ur power bill without your consent, unless they have a court ordered warrant or the power comapny thinks ur stealing electricity just like its against the law for an officer to search your car without your consent,

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
cops came to my buddies house to give him a ticket for expired dog tags. dude saw the bong on the coffee table. a week later the task force kicked the door in.

that's so fooked...

i had a friend who was out of town...

another friend was watching her house....

One day the friend went to the house to water the plants.. when she go there, the door was open...

so she thought our frie3nds house ghot robbed.. she called the police...

the police came and found nothing...

flash forward 1 week.. my friend comes home from her vacation and the police come over with a warrant... they say that when they were at her house investigating a robbery they saw a bag of mushrooms...

she got arrested and a felony!

and also cops can do what they want when they want but if they dont do it by the book get a good lawyer and garuntee you that you wont do a day in jail if they didnt go by the books that is
i remember my friend got into a fight with his dad broke his rib by pushin him into the dinner table and his mother called the cops, he was in back yard when they came and they made him tear his plant out and break it up pretty fucked but better than jail
you're going to give a 5 year old a weed plant? :-?
well, he's gonna be growing and taking care of it till he's at least 13. It'll be a nice learning experience, and I'm definately gonna help him till he gets the hang of it. then the first weed he ever smokes will be his, that he grew. I wish I coulda done that. and the plant will have been growing for at least 8 years, so its gonna be a monster!

and on the off chance he doesn't smoke, I'll get some nice-ass bud!
actually its aainst the law for an officer to check ur power bill without your consent, unless they have a court ordered warrant or the power comapny thinks ur stealing electricity just like its against the law for an officer to search your car without your consent,

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

i really wish you were right...

I could cal the cops right now and make an anonymous tip and report you for making meth in your house... and they the cops could easily get a warrant..

The cops can have a drug dog walk around a neighborhood.. if he barks in front of your house, they can get a warrant...

COPS can do whatever they want.... WHATEVER they want... seriously.. and if for some reason you do get a great lawyer and get off... it will still fook your life and your wallet... and they will be eating donuts and beating their wives... while your paying lawyer bills
ive never had a problem payin lawyer bills, ive always had them pay for my lawyer, even if u have a shitty lawyer and they dont go by the books u can do no time, i had a buddy go to buy a pound of crystal from an undercover agent backed out and went home they got a warrant and searched his home then went searched his car, the warrant does not cover your vehicles, he was dropped of all charges and is out to this day
yea like u said they CAN do anythin they want but its all about how they go about it, it has to be by the books, thats why we have laws, oj is a freeman becuz of our legal system its all a matter of how u fight it

well, he's gonna be growing and taking care of it till he's at least 13. It'll be a nice learning experience, and I'm definately gonna help him till he gets the hang of it. then the first weed he ever smokes will be his, that he grew. I wish I coulda done that. and the plant will have been growing for at least 8 years, so its gonna be a monster!

and on the off chance he doesn't smoke, I'll get some nice-ass bud!

you should never live your life through your children
It's not like I'm gonna force him! If he never asks me if he can smoke weed yet I'm never gonna bring it up. I'm a smart-ass guy, and my kids gonna be 3 times smarter than me, so he's not gonna do anything he doesn't want too..............well except chores an' shit

edit: you know what! I'm insulted! how dare you say something like that! burn in hell, buddy, burn in motherfuckin' hell
Originally Posted by Mr. Maryjane
well, he's gonna be growing and taking care of it till he's at least 13
ur awnser.....
It's not like I'm gonna force him! If he never asks me if he can smoke weed yet I'm never gonna bring it up. I'm a smart-ass guy, and my kids gonna be 3 times smarter than me, so he's not gonna do anything he doesn't want too

u being the smart ass man tha u are should realize ur son is only a youngin and could be takin from u for this, does he even want to grow? have u asked him? and why is he growing it till hes atleast 13? thats the suitable age to start smoking marijuana? so if ur sons gonna be 3x smarter than you, does that make u dumb as a rock?

and i believe if ur son grew a plant for 8 years it would be some straight shit weed, due to the fact of it going into veg and flowering so many times
A friend of mine was busted twice. He did time for the first one.
The DA allowed his wife take the charge on the second.
She skipped home with probation, no time at all.
Good luck brother!
excuse me!! I said I'm not gonna force anything on him, if he shows no interest in it I'm not gonna force him to keep growing it. and I don't plan on living in america by the time I have a kid. I started smoking when I was thirteen, I'd be a hypocrite if I said he had to wait till he's older than that. and considering your last statement my kids gonna be 10x smarter than you. and you know what, tonight ain't the night to be insulting me, or my unconceived kid. so, you can burn n hell right next to loudblunts
you punk ass bitch..... all i said was you shouldnt live your life through your children

and you get your panties in a bunch and throw a bitchfit?

do us all a favor and play chicken with an 18-wheeler, you failed abortion.
oh............................I'd win

now aparantly you didn't intentionally insult me.....sorry, I guess.........but shit I had some cops insulting me today so I'm not in a great mood
matter fact....i remembered when you first joined and you was asking for suggestions on a nickname.....

i know for a fact i've help/been cool towards you.
well, whatever, I was insulted by you insinuating I'd try to live my life through my kids. like really insulted, for real, I'm gonna die trying to make my kids happy.

so again, sorry, I thought you insulted me man