Well-Known Member
close thread mods. been a long trip.
LOL.Should be 18yrs before introduced to it at all, let them make their own decisions u dumb fuck. U gonna take him out n get him drunk at 13 to. Idiots like u r why pot smokers are looked down upon in the first place. grow up
Woah.. I'm from your neck of the woods as well (closer than you think) and if you want a good conversation, checkout this thread:I don't mean to be rude, But I am a Bostonian ( From BROCKTON origanilly), and I am desperate for a good conversation.
Yes it's my fault that you made a post directly under his and then continued to insult, which led to me thinking you were talking about him. I should have used my psychic powers to automatically assume I should go back 2 pages and not read it as it was, an insult right below his post.w1ckedchowda you can't spell either so ya your a dumb ass, lol. You should also know that post was to Mr MaryJane, maybe if you could read past page 2 you'd know that you dumb fuck!!
its all done. opened up my ''anything id like to say '' speech with , this county has many many other problems to worry about other than marijuana. we have child rapists all over, big time meth manufacturing, baby killings. and this court is worried about me growing weed for my personal use? everyone was seriously stunned. and after a bit of telling them how i pretty much have sat through 6 months of being postponed and having religious family memebers turn on me for this i explained i have already received my punishment. so in the end the judge opened his beady eyes and gave me 1 month work release. which turns out to be just 25 days and fines. my girlfriend got her charges dismissed right after my sentencing. its been a good day