Busted 4 days after 420

and i wasnt supplying anyone buyt my mason jars. i was sick of buying a dub and smokin it all in one setting. but they think i was gonna hit up the middle school kids. WRONG! or the local weed dealers! WRONG AGAIN. it was for myself, purple power, silver haze and blue mystic, ! MINE not anyone elses.

exactly i mean how does a 23 yr old even get to know junior high kids to sell to? i mean they make it seem like you just take a qp and lollipops to the local playground and set up shop... yea the kids that have piggy banks full of change they got the money you want.
wow bro, i feel for you. idk how to put this but if i would have gotten busted i would have said i grew/used my own product for religious,spiritual,medical reasons. im to stoned right now to find the article but there has been a couple of cases that if you admit to your doings but only on religious,spiritual or medical grounds youll be sentenced for alot less time or maybe not even sentenced. prolly would have to go to NA classes for a longgggggggg time. best of luck bro and also, thanks for the tip, im gona tell everyone i know that all my plants died and that im going to stop growing and shit. NEVER tell any one who you wouldnt trust with your life, it might very well depend on it.
Man guys, this is freaking me out!! I ordered some seeds with Paypal (Mastercard), and I had it sent to my apartment, do you think I'll be ok? Should I do anything preemptively?
naa seeds they wont track it down, im sure they got better things to do than looking at a letter with seeds on it. besides i have gotten my seeds like that many times. picture this, you are working at a post office, you get this letter with seeds on it. now for all you know they can be watermelon seeds, orange seeds, pea pods seeds. yeah its too broad to bring any type of heat on you, unless they randomly decide to get a letter for further inspection (that would be unlucky as hell), then what would happen is that you wont recive your supply and you loose your money >.<
naa seeds they wont track it down, im sure they got better things to do than looking at a letter with seeds on it. besides i have gotten my seeds like that many times. picture this, you are working at a post office, you get this letter with seeds on it. now for all you know they can be watermelon seeds, orange seeds, pea pods seeds. yeah its too broad to bring any type of heat on you, unless they randomly decide to get a letter for further inspection (that would be unlucky as hell), then what would happen is that you wont recive your supply and you loose your money >.<

Thanks for the reassurance man, but I guess I'm more concerned some comments other users have made on here about Paypal NARCing on seed orders. Does Paypal actually do this?
that sucks, i feel for you, someone really needs to legalize weed! i do wonder if police come on sites like this, because im sure they could track you down on your IP adress? or the internet proider you are with could see what you are posting and report it maybe, just like some do if your pirating DVD's etc?
Thanks for the reassurance man, but I guess I'm more concerned some comments other users have made on here about Paypal NARCing on seed orders. Does Paypal actually do this?
Another mans comments does not make things ok, dude fuck me, what bit about taken great care to protect your hobby are you not getting ?
You do not link shit to where you grow dat shit, this is really basic stuff, why would anyone order stuff to the same address you are going to grow, we are meant to make it hard for them not leave fucking big clues, why not drop little buds along the road so when you go to the shops you know how to get back, is it just me...? :wall:
Can people try and lookout for a very good film with Danny craig in it (the new james bond actor) it looks at the drug world, take note at the start when he says, quote, When you have anything to do with drugs do not ever think for one minute the police are stupid because if you think that its you whos stupid, (LAYER CAKE) rent it buy it and learn from it.
Another mans comments does not make things ok, dude fuck me, what bit about taken great care to protect your hobby are you not getting ?
You do not link shit to where you grow dat shit, this is really basic stuff, why would anyone order stuff to the same address you are going to grow, we are meant to make it hard for them not leave fucking big clues, why not drop little buds along the road so when you go to the shops you know how to get back, is it just me...? :wall:

Dude, I wish I could take it back, can you give me some constructive advice on how to deal with it from here?
Well i really dont like giving you a hard time, but this is because i fucking hate to see and read about busts, i of all people hate the fucking police, if you are growing the now you have took a gamble but if i was you i would really keep your nose clean Mr nice no parties or shit, and if all goes well take it as a lesson learnt, when you order stuff from the net have that shit sent to grandmas house, or a well cool friend that way you have broke the link to your seeds and a grow set up of any kind, that goes for kits of any kind aswell, even soil, if you are growing in soil put the bag in a box, then people who live next to you see you walking in with a box not a shaddy bag of soil, people see soil you are growing something, people see a box it could be anything, REMOVE AND PROTECT PEOPLES SUSPICION. LEARN FROM IT DUDE.
I understand you're just lookin out for me man. I think what I'm going to do is e-mail the seller, say I'll send him a money order, and then tell Paypal I've had my identity stolen and I don't know what this charge is and I want it refunded. What do you think?
oh yea..and anyone caught narcing ..to the police..should be made a example out of...they wouldnt do it again if i knew who it was..id either take care of it myself..or a buddy would be taking care of this person..i promise..they would mind their own fucking bussiness from then on out..
I understand you're just lookin out for me man. I think what I'm going to do is e-mail the seller, say I'll send him a money order, and then tell Paypal I've had my identity stolen and I don't know what this charge is and I want it refunded. What do you think?

Guys, what do you think of my plan?
i think id relax ..who did you order from?if it wasnt doc chronic you are probably OK..all his shit is getting caught in customs..and even then if you dont live in indiana you should be OK even if they are caught by customs..next time..dont shit where you eat...