Busted 4 days after 420

Firebrand get ready for a few very important links.....

Not sure how your case is going, but for reference you need to read up on this site... I've met Frank in person. Great guy (hates the feds) I also enjoy reading his marijuana bibles in the waiting room of his law-firm =].. not to mention his business cards that open up to 5 sheets of Randy's rolling papers!! =D

LegalJoint: Washington Lawyers: Stiley and Cikutovich, Criminal Defense, Medical Marijuana Law

Here you will get all the info you need to get your medcard...

The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, Medical Marijuana Doctors, Washington Medical Marijuana Clinics, Bellevue, Washington, Serving The Cannabis Community Since 1999, Medical Marijuana as treatment for chronic pain, chronic nausea, AIDS, cancer, glaucom

And lastly.... The link to my grow... "stealth is the key" I have a card, but still don't trust other people... if you are going to grow, you don't need a whole room, just a small cab. Do it right and you will have more then enough bud for you, your girl, and then some ;-)


Good luck with everything my friend

Wolfman Zen (fellow 509'er)

Sorry to hear about your bust, tough luck man. Larry Brigham can suck these nuts; let the guy live in peace and grow what he wants to. I highly doubt you were blowing the chronic all over your baby and targeting little school children with your nefarious plot to corrupt them and turn them all into little pot "junkies", right?
Larry is quoted in one of the articles.

"They didn't catch them soon enough, as far as I'm concerned," said Larry Brigham, a neighbor.

Any guesses who phoned in that tip?

I also love how the value of pot siezed by the cops is always extremely inflated. $25,00 for 27 plants that were 3 feet tall? I don't really know much, but if anyone posted on this forum saying that is what their grow was worth, I would say that it sounds like wishful thinking.

I also couldn't help but roll my eyes at this...
Police seized $25,000 worth of weed at the Hills Park home, drugs that would have ended up in schools, says Richland Police Captain Mike Cobb.
"Marijuana's going to be targeted at juveniles, that's where the money is," Cobb said. "We want to get it off the streets before it ever gets there."

Like they know. That's where the money is???

Does having grow equipment qualify you as "sophisticated"? How is a heat sensor different from a thermometer or a thermostat? And they are charged with "manufacturing" marijuana? And here I thought manufacturing was something you did to a Ford. Isn't it more like growing a plant? Talk about impartial journalism.

Anyways, sorry to hear about your misfortune. Best of luck.

It's all semantics and media hype used to keep the publics "fear factor" on high, and to TRY and seem like they are doing something useful for the publics interest. I have seen them value seedlings at over $1000 per plant!!! And words like "All that EXPENSIVE and SOPHISTICATED equipment" just makes a person sound more sinister and criminal. Them bringing up the fact that your kid was there is just plain asinine. How is that any more harmful to a child than being in a home with any other type of potted (pun intended) plant? JEEZUZ!!! Talk about spinning this all fucked up!!! Like you just didn't give a fuck about the welfare of your child.

Dude, I REALL hate that for ya. Hopefully, your atty can attack the validity of the warrant. That "anonymous tip" is not sufficient without other credible evidence, and an informant can be proven unreliable.
It just goes to show that you cannot trust ANYONE when your freedom is at stake. Hopefully you put aside enough for legal counsel, and not a PD.
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right on guys thanks . exactly. i love how the media marks me as a bad dad. i myself think im the best dad . i will tell my lawyer that info but i think his old dumb ass is stuck on waiting to get a plea bargain. maybei should have thrown 5g's in his face in stead of 2 . that old bastard.,
i bet one of the people u told got caught doing something, then ratted you out in order to get their own charges dropped.
I am so glad they didnt find anything when the police where in my apartment..

Makes me real sad for you bro ...... even though its been a long time ago.. brings back pain.

How u doing with the case and life ?
are u gona be facing time in prison :( ?
Very sad story...really is sorry to hear it happen..
I really hate how they make marijuana seem really worse than it is like they did in the article i read...and Fuck ya neighbor lol

Hope everythings going well for you
yea everythigns cool on the 17th of september i change my plea and only get 2 months work release. and fines. of course. since its always about money in this world. yea it was def someone who got popped and narced in order to get charges dropped. i know the game the cops play since they tried to offer a contract drawn up with the prosecuter . shot that down when i found out it was only 0-6 month range. stupid assholes
got court this tuesday at 830 am for seizure hearing. hope my lawyer can pull his head out his ace and get my shit back . at least my safes
dude, feel your pain, but this is the last thing i wanna hear on this Grow Room, Indoor Forum, post this in Legal or politics or something,
you are definitely a martyr, lucky i live out in the country where it smells like shit most of the time, but got some neighbors i'm kinda concerned about now, thanks for posting here!
Sorry to hear man...hope you get out quick so you can be with your family again.

$25,000...LMAO...probably more like 8-9 am I right...if that?

I remember when me and my buddy got busted...the cops said it was worth $4.5 million....I FUCKING WISH!!!! They counted EVERYTHING...clones, mothers, and they said each plant produced 3/4 pound of bud each at such in such a price street value...i couldn't believe everything they add on and how much they over-estimate.
just plead guilty to it yesterday . next weed get sentencing. cant believe time flies by this fast . seems like yesterday i was starting this post. wish there was a way out of it. thanks to you all out there who contributed to me and my family in this time of need. you know who you are.
just plead guilty to it yesterday . next weed get sentencing. cant believe time flies by this fast . seems like yesterday i was starting this post. wish there was a way out of it. thanks to you all out there who contributed to me and my family in this time of need. you know who you are.

what did they drop? any pley arrangements? Thats really sucks balls, move to a mmj state!
just plead guilty to it yesterday . next weed get sentencing. cant believe time flies by this fast . seems like yesterday i was starting this post. wish there was a way out of it. thanks to you all out there who contributed to me and my family in this time of need. you know who you are.

it was yesterday. wait.... where have the months gone, seriously? I don't remember the last few years. I think I need a life.

I really wish you the best of luck. whatever does happen, try to keep your head up and make the best of it.