Bust Up To 124 tons In Mex and Cali


Well-Known Member
so far 124 tons of weed taken from a bust on an underground Mex cartel tunnel running from mex to ca. Thats alot of MJ!!! holy shit.


Active Member
yeah but its a bunch of brown ass brick shwagg...not that i wouldnt smoke it right now but id much rather have some beautiful green budz i grew myself


Active Member
and they charge ridiculous prices for that headache bud. . . when it should be like $300 per ton hahahahahahahahahaha


Active Member
i was watching cops the other night and they arrested this mexican with a trunk full of weed but it ws the brownest shit ever. i would be more embarresed than anything if i got busted with that shit.


Active Member
so far 124 tons of weed taken from a bust on an underground Mex cartel tunnel running from mex to ca. Thats alot of MJ!!! holy shit.
Yeah keep in mind those figures are inflated since cops weigh packaging materials and if they found whole plants they weigh the whole plant fan leaves, root system and the works. Really skews the figures so they look better in the media.


Let'em have it. I want locally grown CLEAN medical grade stuff. Let's make the US completely grow self-sufficient.


Mexico swag should stay in Mexico ...........................anything made in Mexico should stay in Mexico, except for the food and the hard working people