Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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sorry buddy, preventive care is the law of the land and it has been upheld under the most important law of the land.

stitch in time saves nine. birth control pills don't cost anywhere near as much as 9 months of pre natal care, delivery of a child, and several nights hospital stay.

the idea is to incentivize smart practices that keep costs of health care lower, not higher.

With a cost/benefit analysis, abortion wins everytime LOL.
Fell for it? Why do I care that it was a provoked case? There are lots of cases, many of them having to do with testing abortion limits that are set up in order to bring the cases to the highest courts possible. The point remains. Now, do I care if there is a copay or not? No, Do I care that the Catholic church want's special dispensation because they are Catholic? Yes I do. The Catholic church is looking to spread its influence beyond traditional church methods and I don't believe that it is wise to allow that to happen. So long as the church remains the church and does not extend it's influence into commerce we are all good, but once it gets into hospitals they are not special, they don't get to influence people outside of their preaching or maybe some pamphlets. Why should they be treated any differently than any one else? Why should they get to enforce their beliefs on others by being allowed to ignore the rules everyone else is bound to follow simply because they "believe" differently?
Well, aren't you the little bigot! Don't like Catholics do you? Other religions besides Catholicism frown upon contraceptives.
The Catholic church is looking to spread its influence beyond traditional church methods
What, exactly are "traditional church methods"?
and I don't believe that it is wise to allow that to happen.
So what gives you the authority to impose your belief on others?
So long as the church remains the church and does not extend it's influence into commerce we are all good, but once it gets into hospitals they are not special, they don't get to influence people outside of their preaching or maybe some pamphlets.
So we should shut down all the Catholic hospitals? That's 1/4 to 1/2 the hospitals in the US. The death toll would be in the millions. Once again, what gives you the authority to impose your belief on others?
Why should they get to enforce their beliefs on others by being allowed to ignore the rules everyone else is bound to follow simply because they "believe" differently?
They're not forcing their beliefs on anybody. Stating so is a lie. Why should you get to enforce your beliefs on others?
"A sn​itch in time saves nine". Well you would know....

So what gives you the authority to impose your belief on others?

the irony in this is thick.

the guy who wants to force his religious beliefs on other people's health care is asking what authority someone else has to impose their beliefs on others.


fail award.
I understand, I'm not arguing against the pill, that would be dumb. I'm just saying if we want to end the never ending abortion debate then we cannot fund pills through government. Its a moral issue.

I'm not following either prong of your reasoning.
How would reducing access to the pill not exacerbate the abortion issue?

And how is it a moral issue? i thought it was a religious one, and moral (not equals) religious. cn
Exorcising their rights is a "special privlege"(sic)? Still singling out Catholics, bigot?

more irony.

the stormfront member is calling other people bigots for pointing out the overreach of the catholic church.

white supremacists gonna white supremacist.
Isn't it the other way around? The owner's trying to force their whack religious beliefs upon their employees?
The owner is not forcing his belief on anyone. Saying so is a lie. Forcing him to subsidize contraception would be forcing YOUR belief on him.
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