Ah ok, see that's my problem(no cash to buy). I've had a few deals fall through because I couldn't get my financing on point in time. Fckin sucks. Honestly, I need to get to some REI networking events n such, I really dont know anybody so I'm just a small fish in a big sea around here I guess.
OP, sorry for the thread jack. Couple ideas:
-Franchises can be pretty decent, I have no experience there but know a few successful franchisees who do pretty well for themselves. Most common reason I've seen for failure is the franchisee shouldn't be running any business in the first place, and they have no idea what they're doing. Franchises advertise as being turn-key profits a lot of the time, usually falsely.
-Art Dealer
-Any mobile service has less start-up and overhead, but you'll have a tougher time separating yourself from the daily labor.
-Networking business/website. Make yourself the well-paid middleman who does almost nothing after getting started
-Something I've looked into from the other side, invention funding. If you know what to look for, theres tons of sites to network inventors with investors. I know it's not really a business, but its something to do with at least a small portion of your start-up capital