Bushy Indica/hybrid defoliate?


Active Member
So I know there is a lot out there on whether or not to defoliate. I think it comes down to the shape, strain, and other factors on whether to defoliate or not. That being said, I’m not asking if I should cut all leaves but more of of a light defoliation to open up the plant. I don’t think defoliatation should be done just to cut leaves off but need a good reason to do it.

I’m growing a couple bushy plants and was wondering if I should trim any leaves in the middle or should I just let it go given their current state. I’m on day by 16 of flower.Short plant is critical kush and taller is holy grail kush.




Well-Known Member
You’ve got the bottom third defoliated perfectly. Maybe just some of the overlapping stuff or any leaves covering flowers. You’d be just fine as is too. Looks good to me