Bush's war on the working class


New Member
Bush's war against the working class consists of cutting taxes to the extent that the economy booms and unemployment drops below 5% to almost record lows. The stock market sits, as we speak, at an all time record high ... so the war on the working class continues to effect retired people and those still working by increasing the return on their retirement investments. There's more war on home ownership ... 68% of Americans own their own home (a record number) because of those darned record low interest rates and the low unemployment rates.

The opposing party, the Democrats, on the other hand, want to end the War on The Working Class by RAISING taxes, thereby destroying the economic boom, increasing unemployment, raising interest rates and causing the stock market to go into the dumpster.

Some war.

On and on and on ... Yada, Yada, Yada....



Well-Known Member
Bush's war against the working class consists of cutting taxes to the extent that the economy booms and unemployment drops below 5% to almost record lows. The stock market sits, as we speak, at an all time record high ... so the war on the working class continues to effect retired people and those still working by increasing the return on their retirement investments. There's more war on home ownership ... 68% of Americans own their own home (a record number) because of those darned record low interest rates and the low unemployment rates.

The opposing party, the Democrats, on the other hand, want to end the War on The Working Class by RAISING taxes, thereby destroying the economic boom, increasing unemployment, raising interest rates and causing the stock market to go into the dumpster.

Some war.

On and on and on ... Yada, Yada, Yada....

two years later, what say you?:mrgreen:

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
Bush's War is doing remarkably well for HIM. When you talk about raising taxes, lets be honest, you are talking about raising taxes on the SUPER RICH- the top 1-2% who are ugly stinking rich- The power brokers. Let's take an honest look at the economy. Unemployment is soaring. Gas prices are seriously punishing the working poor. Food prices are beating the hell out of the average working person. Converting corn into ethanol is driving up the price of food everywhere. Those pretty numbers economists love to quote do not include any of this!!!! They exclude them b/c they say they are too explosive! I'll tell you what is going to explode! The lives of all of the working class! Home ownership aint doing so hot. The mortgage loan crisis is helping us all out just exactly HOW?

I can already see the plunging economy happening. My house has been robbed. Didn't get my Plants- FU Motha F'kas! I have bought a safe to store the next harvest and bolted it to the floor. Desperation is on the rise and that can only hurt the average working person. I am growing my own vegetables as a little aside to the horror that is the current economy. Just how does Dumbyuh emerge as a saint in this scenario? Just as he left the victims of Katrina dying in their own waste, he is doing the same to the rest of Amerika now. Does that make you feel proud? Are you feeling lucky- PUNK?


New Member
medicinaluseonly, why did you delete your original post? No Guts, no Glory.
WTF are you talking about DankDude, Medicinealuseonly was my first name before I decided to leave this pot site. Are you attacking me? I had this weird Idea we might be friends, site friends if you know what I mean. I think you're still pissed off because I wouldn't mail you any POT. BTW, I have no clue what you are talking about, delete my original post, that was a few months/years ago. I have noticed a rather distancing from my views by you in recent times. Sorry, but I didn't feel safe sending pot through the mail, and anyway, you would have been at the most risk. Just because you and all the Libs on this site don't agree with weather change, hey pal. it aint me causing these biblical floods. Also, I,ve seen more wind here in Nv. than I've seen in 40 years, more tornados in the midwest than ever recorded, but Naw, no climate change. I think you guys need to pull your heads out. OK, here comes the cut and paste.,


Well-Known Member
Jesus med, not meant as a personal attack, just that on the original post in the thread there is no context. I not pissed about anything.... Your flying off the handle for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Jesus med, not meant as a personal attack, just that on the original post in the thread there is no context. I not pissed about anything.... Your flying off the handle for nothing.
ya, you want that weed:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Meds been on fire today, right?


Well-Known Member
Weed would be nice, but it's nothing to get pissed about.....
I can get weed here, not the best weed but weed none the less.... Besides I have some growing about 30 miles from me on an oil lease.


Well-Known Member
Weed would be nice, but it's nothing to get pissed about.....
I can get weed here, not the best weed but weed none the less.... Besides I have some growing about 30 miles from me on an oil lease.
I'll sent you a nug, if you need one.
nothing worse then not having:joint:


Well-Known Member
I'll sent you a nug, if you need one.
nothing worse then not having:joint:
I'll smoke your shyt joe! It looked good to me! I have some killer bud too! The stuff I smoke gets me high for 2-3 hours from two small hits:blsmoke:but I'm always willing to try something new.. (Weed is not a drug, its a plant:mrgreen:)

