Bushmaster by Humbolt Nutrients

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
Anyone ever used bushmaster to stop the stretch after inducing flowering, if so fill me in on some results.


Well-Known Member
I used Bushmaster @1/2 dosage just before flowering and man let me tell you that my plants DID NOT LIKE IT!! They are sativas and have recovered well but I thought I was going to lose all of them. It definately worked though and they have stayed squat :hump:

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
I used Bushmaster @1/2 dosage just before flowering and man let me tell you that my plants DID NOT LIKE IT!! They are sativas and have recovered well but I thought I was going to lose all of them. It definately worked though and they have stayed squat :hump:
good to hear, what were the adverse affects of using it on the plant(yellow leaves, curling, etc.)?


Well-Known Member
All my leaves......i'm talking ALL OF THEM!, got rust colored edges, crispy and yellow. All the new growth was green, but the existing leaves were a mess. I probably went a month until they started to look normal again.

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
All my leaves......i'm talking ALL OF THEM!, got rust colored edges, crispy and yellow. All the new growth was green, but the existing leaves were a mess. I probably went a month until they started to look normal again.
All right, thanks for the info man, can't wait to give it a try.

dave coma

Active Member
yeah my friend told me to be carefull if i was going to use that you have to do it just right or there will be problems