Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

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Less than 20% of the conversation on this page has anything to do with Gravity or Bushmaster.

Stop posturing.

Fdd2blk. How you find the time to do all the things you do... I'll never get it. You are the man!
Now let's get back to the topic at hand, if it pleases the crowd.
Stop posturing.

Fdd2blk. How you find the time to do all the things you do... I'll never get it. You are the man!

If that's not "posturing", I don't know what is LOL. Throw in a little puckerin' up to da mod for good measure. :clap:

The Hall Monitor said:
Less than 20% of the conversation on this page has anything to do with Gravity or Bushmaster.
Uhhhhhh, I think we beat this dead horse enough, as we did in the last one and the one before that...... Hopefully it's been a learning experience for the noobs.

When it's all said and done, it all comes down to taking sides, herd mentality, and forum politics.

....... Case in point, I know the enablers will not react to my points but I'll illustrate as I have so often nonetheless below. Since the member posted plants 35 days into flowering, I'll do likewise, some around that point, some around 50 days flowering, one near harvest. These plants were raised in nothing more than under your typical HID lighting using cheap off the shelf Walmart fertilizer, watered by hand using high pH tap water. UB

As predicted, the first enabler has spoken. dloverly pounds his chest challenging me to post garden pix, I take the bait and do so, and watch mah predictions about forum politics come true, hah! Damn I'm good! :smile:

Grow hard,
As predicted, the first enabler has spoken. dloverly pounds his chest challenging me to post garden pix, I take the bait and do so, and watch mah predictions about forum politics come true, hah! Damn I'm good! :smile:

Grow hard,

you're just here for the drama, eh?

you are naming names and pushing buttons. even after i have addressed it and asked you to stop. why should i not simply ban you? why can't you post respectfully?
you're just here for the drama, eh?

you are naming names and pushing buttons. even after i have addressed it and asked you to stop. why should i not simply ban you? why can't you post respectfully?

You've spoken, you taken sides. The other drama queens are OK but I'm not? If I have told any lies, or mis-spoke regarding other personalities as they play out their anti UB games, point it out.

Also, if you wish to ban me, fine. Won't be the first time or the last I've been banned for speaking my peace. Just remember "my drama" also gets RIU a shitload of hits. I've recently had two requests to join two other new start up sites, one offering payment for my posts and giving me mod powers. One is Bubbleponics, the other tokengrow.com.

Uncle Ben
I've recently had two requests to join two other new start up sites, one offering payment for my posts and giving me mod powers. One is Bubbleponics, the other tokengrow.com.

Uncle Ben

i say go for it. i don't think FDD took sides, just wants you to play nice. you have tons of good info UB, but your delivery is a bit rough LOL.
Doncha peek now, ya hear?
Had to see just wtf was taking so many posts to say.

Stop posturing.

you're just here for the drama, eh?

The other drama queens are OK but I'm not?

Also, if you wish to ban me, fine.

Just remember "my drama" also gets RIU a shitload of hits.

I've recently had two requests to join two other new start up sites, one offering payment for my posts and giving me mod powers. One is Bubbleponics, the other tokengrow.com.

UB. An admitted drama queen.
While attempting to group other people with himself, he defines himself insultingly as a drama queen and insists those in discussion with him are the same by association.

UB. Happy to be banned.

UB. Under the delusion people visit this site for his "drama."

UB. Advertising, name dropping, other sites for us to never visit.

Okay, okay... I know, I know.

While some of you may think this is just a stirring of the hornets' nest I find it to be more kicking someone while they're down. Neither is admirable, the post of mine most hypocritical, but all in the vein attempt at humor.

I know that when I pieced it together I laughed good and hard.

Queen... :fire:
You've spoken, you taken sides. The other drama queens are OK but I'm not? If I have told any lies, or mis-spoke regarding other personalities as they play out their anti UB games, point it out.

Also, if you wish to ban me, fine. Won't be the first time or the last I've been banned for speaking my peace. Just remember "my drama" also gets RIU a shitload of hits. I've recently had two requests to join two other new start up sites, one offering payment for my posts and giving me mod powers. One is Bubbleponics, the other tokengrow.com.

Uncle Ben

i'll make it easy for you. bye. :)
i say go for it. i don't think FDD took sides, just wants you to play nice. you have tons of good info UB, but your delivery is a bit rough LOL.

i thought i POLITELY asked everyone to simply stop all the fighting. i honestly don't even know what the argument is. i am here due to reported posts. since he wanted to threaten us and his postings at this site, i simple banned him. we don't need that type of attitude here.
At the end of the day I think you made the right call here man. A tough call. But the right one.

Glad to be able to get things back on track. Sorry you had to get involved at all.
Wow. That just blows my mind. Hey, lets let all the whiny kids run around the site posting bad information, but lets ban the one guy with a plethora of great knowledge simply because he hurt people's feelings with, in all intents and purposes, straight and direct to the point remarks. Don't worry, my last post in this thread and unsubscribed. G'luck with all yall's grows.
Wow. That just blows my mind. Hey, lets let all the whiny kids run around the site posting bad information, but lets ban the one guy with a plethora of great knowledge simply because he hurt people's feelings with, in all intents and purposes, straight and direct to the point remarks. Don't worry, my last post in this thread and unsubscribed. G'luck with all yall's grows.

if you can't post respectfully, we don't want you here. regardless of your knowledge. he basically asked to be banned. how could i not?

insulting people is against the TOU.

"the one guy ..." :neutral:
I took a step back on this whole thing and appreicate FDD for trying to put an end to this whole mess. I am the first one to admit I didnt act as well as I could have and I really dont like to argue. I just have a hard time when someone completely disrespects me and other members without good cause. I want to come on this forum to exchange knowledge with other growers not argue with them or be attacked by them with name calling. UB still tossed in more name calling after being warned several times. I dont get it. There is zero reason for the drama but it seems every forum for any topic has its share. People just dont treat people the same on the interenet as they would in real life. I think some people use it as a tool to vent their frustrations out on the world.

I for one sincerely apologize for adding any fuel to this fire. I just get bent out of shape when attacked like many of us were in this thread and several others by certain members. FDD and the entire comunity I am sorry if I came across badly and no I am not kissing up to the mod. Me and FDD have gone back and forth on a few occasions and I know I said more then I should have to him. :dunce: I have grown to like the guy however overall. Just took some getting used to. I dont think that will ever happen with UB unless he makes a serious effort to be nicer to people. Sounds like he has other places he would rather be anyway. :clap:
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