Placebo, psychosomatic....same dynamics.
People probably burned their plants because that's what they do - too much light, too much fertilizer, too much...... Doesn't mean it has a damned thing to do with the application of some snake oil.
You know nothing about the real world of ag, just stoner bullshit. That is a very reasonable price for a product that is delivered to my door and comes with years, perhaps decades, of field trials and technical help. You can't say that about your Advance Shysters folks as they have no real world studies. They rely on hype, cute label names, claims, even half naked girls on their homepage (AN) as a draw. That is enough to scare away any reasonable person. Here is the EPA approved label for Bonzi - Found this interesting thread on what it 'may' contain:
Like I said, you screw around with PGR's and this is what you get: < Overdose Guide.pdf > Copy/paste the entire link. That first photo, upper right, could be due to the use of one your oils with da secret ingredients LOL. Of course, we really don't know what's in Bushmaster, what makes it work so well, do we? Trade secrets LOL.
I never got anywhere with it in regards to tech info, never even saw a price. If it doesn't come with support from professionals, I don't buy. Get it? Give me the link and I'll look again. If it's bonafide, I'll buy it next round. I doubt if I'll ever need anymore of this stuff as it is an extremely effective PGR in very small doses. In fact, it stays active in soils for a very long time.
In case you didn't notice, the first page contains testaments to the contrary. Now..... you and your buds keep playing your silly anti-Uncle Ben forum politics. I'll be trying to protect the folks and deliver the facts.
I report, you decide,
LOL coming from the guy who said not to ever spend over a dime on nutes. ...... I guess 110 for a snake oil PGR is okay though benny boy ?
You know you are so completely negative in almost every thread. You seem to have so much anger and hate in you, I just dont get it. You just dont know how to play nice and get along .... You cant discuss anything with you that you dont 100% agree on. Reminds me very much of trying to reason with a very young child. You dont deliver the facts in these threads you deliver a bunch of false conclusions based upon your personal beliefs rather then facts or science you so often blab about. You shoot products AND users down if they use anything or try anything at all you dont approve of. Doesnt matter the topic. Growing style, nutrients you name it. Unclue Ben is always there to make threads ugly and shit all over them time and time again. For what little you contribute you more then take away in threads just like this one. You have ZERO personal knowlege of how this product works yet you jump in like you know everything with all kinds of bullshit accusations and assumptions. Same goes with Bushmaster and same goes with growing styles you dont agree with. You completely fail to realize that threads like this one discredit you completely and have the oppisite effect that you are trying to get. If you tried to actually discuss a topic instead of acting like a 6 year old having a fit people would listen a lot more myself included. Insteads its the same old ill tempered child throwing tantrums all over this board. Site is for SHARING knowledge not this constant bullshit you are spewing in every direction.