Bushmaster and Gravity Questions? +rep for good advice

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Placebo, psychosomatic....same dynamics.

People probably burned their plants because that's what they do - too much light, too much fertilizer, too much...... Doesn't mean it has a damned thing to do with the application of some snake oil.

You know nothing about the real world of ag, just stoner bullshit. That is a very reasonable price for a product that is delivered to my door and comes with years, perhaps decades, of field trials and technical help. You can't say that about your Advance Shysters folks as they have no real world studies. They rely on hype, cute label names, claims, even half naked girls on their homepage (AN) as a draw. That is enough to scare away any reasonable person. Here is the EPA approved label for Bonzi - http://www.syngentaprofessionalproducts.com/prodrender/index.aspx?nav=labels&ProdID=878&ProdNM=Bonzi Found this interesting thread on what it 'may' contain: http://www.gardenscure.com/420/plant-food-nutrients/139996-bushmaster-aint-just-sea-weed.html

Like I said, you screw around with PGR's and this is what you get: < http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/floriculture/Rx/PGR Overdose Guide.pdf > Copy/paste the entire link. That first photo, upper right, could be due to the use of one your oils with da secret ingredients LOL. Of course, we really don't know what's in Bushmaster, what makes it work so well, do we? Trade secrets LOL.

I never got anywhere with it in regards to tech info, never even saw a price. If it doesn't come with support from professionals, I don't buy. Get it? Give me the link and I'll look again. If it's bonafide, I'll buy it next round. I doubt if I'll ever need anymore of this stuff as it is an extremely effective PGR in very small doses. In fact, it stays active in soils for a very long time.

In case you didn't notice, the first page contains testaments to the contrary. Now..... you and your buds keep playing your silly anti-Uncle Ben forum politics. I'll be trying to protect the folks and deliver the facts.

I report, you decide,

LOL coming from the guy who said not to ever spend over a dime on nutes. ...... I guess 110 for a snake oil PGR is okay though benny boy ?

You know you are so completely negative in almost every thread. You seem to have so much anger and hate in you, I just dont get it. You just dont know how to play nice and get along .... You cant discuss anything with you that you dont 100% agree on. Reminds me very much of trying to reason with a very young child. You dont deliver the facts in these threads you deliver a bunch of false conclusions based upon your personal beliefs rather then facts or science you so often blab about. You shoot products AND users down if they use anything or try anything at all you dont approve of. Doesnt matter the topic. Growing style, nutrients you name it. Unclue Ben is always there to make threads ugly and shit all over them time and time again. For what little you contribute you more then take away in threads just like this one. You have ZERO personal knowlege of how this product works yet you jump in like you know everything with all kinds of bullshit accusations and assumptions. Same goes with Bushmaster and same goes with growing styles you dont agree with. You completely fail to realize that threads like this one discredit you completely and have the oppisite effect that you are trying to get. If you tried to actually discuss a topic instead of acting like a 6 year old having a fit people would listen a lot more myself included. Insteads its the same old ill tempered child throwing tantrums all over this board. Site is for SHARING knowledge not this constant bullshit you are spewing in every direction.:wall:
You can tell these guys are finally getting it - http://www.gardenscure.com/420/plant-food-nutrients/139996-bushmaster-aint-just-sea-weed-2.html

I'm more or less with you here, but just to add some info I just learned talking to soil scientist. Many of these products, such as Liquid Karma, can only list "plant extracts" and cannot make specific claims such as "speeds flowering" because this type of statement involves a hugely costly set of EPA certifications and testings, while selling them as general tonics is easier. Its so prohibitively expensive that the products wouldn't exist if they went through it. So take it or leave it, but there you have it. For what its worth, he said that the Liquid Karma style additives are somewhat effective ("not at all bullshit" is what he said) but they are in his opinion very overpriced for what they are.

Shysters manage to bypass laws as written by such agencies as the EPA. That's what conmen do - break the law and screw the fool.


Bushmaster, open sesame, beastie bloomz, cha ching. I did go off topic mentioning these when this threads about bushmaster. Sorry but similar reasons for discontinuance. My buds can get massive without the addition of any of these products and I would enjoy seeing more growers trash these products unless the are solely cash croppers in it only for the $$ but if kept for a head stash this crap will make your buds taste poorly.

I want to go back to basics and drop my use of FF solubles, starting with the next grow. I'm confident with my growing skills and feel I don't need em'.
No you don't need them.
Both sides are right. Truth and labeling are hardly a match on some products and is a problem in this industry although the products that last in the industry are used because people believed in them. I wish they didn't use liquid karma as an example because it's the only nutrient that one eightied my yellow plants in one day and it's my favorite foliar nutrient as well.
I have used Bushmaster on several occasions, Let me qualify that I don't know what's in it. I don't really care. I don't even know, or care, what the makers designed it to do. I will simply share what it did for me: I had a perpetual grow with a new strain. The flowering plants were taking about 2 weeks longer than I had anticipated. The next crop in veg was getting a little too tall. By the time the blooming plants would be done, my veging plants would be WAY too tall. A friend brought over some Bushmaster and treated the veging plants with 1/3 ml/gallon. Vertical growth stopped. I mean STOPPED. In about 10 days, vertical growth resumed, just in time to go into bloom. The stuff is a great tool for stopping vertical growth. I prefer to just have my timing right on, but it's nice to have such a poweful tool available.

I should say that I don't use 20 bottles of AN or some other hype to grow my plants. I use 3 part Cutting Edge. That's it. Prior to using Cutting Edge, I used GH Flora for about 10 years. I don't use any additives. I've tried many additives in my early growing years, but never saw any definitive results. It seemed like a waste of money. Bushmaster, however, really works. Also, I didn't notice any difference in the treated plants, as far as yield, taste, and potency.

I have never used Gravity.
Now we all know that the sap from a willow tree can be used to root cuttings but I was just at the local hydro store inquiring about bushmaster and the guy told me that willow sap has a similar effect to bushmaster. Anyone have experience with this? Also, Uncle Ben what are you using the Bonzi for?
Unclue Ben why dont you try to actually contribute to a thread for once ? Maybe have experience with a product before you claim to know what its all about. All you are doing is cluttering it up with bullshit you know NOTHING about. You are posting about your feelings towards these products rather then facts or even personal experience. GROW UP !!
That's our boy!

Way to TOTALLY dismiss what ther poster's experience was with this product. As for the "conmen" comment. As far as these two products go that couldnt be the furthest from the truth. These two items work EXACTLY as advertised and literally HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people from every pot forum there is have testified to. A "fool" is someone unwilling to try a product because of some preconceived notion they have in their head when they have ZERO personal knowledge or experience with said product. PERIOD.
Yes, but your causing dissention.. Being grumpy over people being grumpy is grumpy itself. Ben's gonna post what he wants and he has results to prove it, which is more than most people have on this forum.
"I got a cactus in my bathroom, but we got nothing to say to each other" - grumpier old men
Yes, but your causing dissention.. Being grumpy over people being grumpy is grumpy itself. Ben's gonna post what he wants and he has results to prove it, which is more than most people have on this forum.
So do lots of other people myself included . You dont see us crapping all over his threads though do you ? Gets old, very very old and ruins what this site is all about.
Yes, but your causing dissention.. Being grumpy over people being grumpy is grumpy itself. Ben's gonna post what he wants and he has results to prove it, which is more than most people have on this forum.

Having the "results to prove it" does not give anyone an exuse to insult and belittle people. I don't care how long anyone has been growing or how big an op they have or how big a yield they have produced; you shouldn't post on any thread if you can't show the bare minimum respect expected from humans. Yes, he does have experience, so why does he waste it on insults? He has so much to offer, yet he's more interested in telling people how wrong they are in everything they do. It really sucks that we, as a growing community, have lost a great grower to his ego. Us, as a growing whole, need every resource we can get to further the cause, yet we are deprived of a great resource because he takes nore pleasure in insulting others than helping others.
Having the "results to prove it" does not give anyone an exuse to insult and belittle people. I don't care how long anyone has been growing or how big an op they have or how big a yield they have produced; you shouldn't post on any thread if you can't show the bare minimum respect expected from humans. Yes, he does have experience, so why does he waste it on insults? He has so much to offer, yet he's more interested in telling people how wrong they are in everything they do. It really sucks that we, as a growing community, have lost a great grower to his ego. Us, as a growing whole, need every resource we can get to further the cause, yet we are deprived of a great resource because he takes nore pleasure in insulting others than helping others.

What "cause"? You mean the "we're in it for the self medication and profits" cause? You really need ot get in touch with the real world of horticultural, which means hanging with professionals, extension agents, Master Gardeners. Every commercial grower I know would laugh me out of his greenhouse or field if I told him I was using Liquid Karma, Clearex, or Gravity. They'd say, "you're using WHAT?"

If that's an insult, you've just been had.

Gawd, this hypocrite needs a bitch slappin'

So do lots of other people myself included . You dont see us crapping all over his threads though do you ? Gets old, very very old and ruins what this site is all about.

I usually don't comment on your spin, but your hypocrisy needs addressing. You come into my thread and personally attack me. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers-44.html

This is the drill with some of you - I question the product, you take offense, and then start attacking me personally as I lay it all out.....NPK values, un-necessary additives, misrepresentations by the vendor, blatant lies, high costs, lack of botanical value, etc. If you don't like my message, then put me on Ignore and continue to play someone's pimp. Simple enough, eh?

Just looking out for the folks,
Gawd, this hypocrite needs a bitch slappin'

I usually don't comment on your spin, but your hypocrisy needs addressing. You come into my thread and personally attack me. https://www.rollitup.org/advanced-m...-uncle-bens-gardening-tweeks-pointers-44.html

This is the drill with some of you - I question the product, you take offense, and then start attacking me personally as I lay it all out.....NPK values, un-necessary additives, misrepresentations by the vendor, blatant lies, high costs, lack of botanical value, etc. If you don't like my message, then put me on Ignore and continue to play someone's pimp. Simple enough, eh?

Just looking out for the folks,

LOL, by posting up a QUOTE from YOU, is somehow attacking ? Funny how sensitive you are when its your thread but show ZERO respect for everyone elses threads. Talk about hipocricy .. I made a post to make a point. I was actually nice about it and only posted your oen damn words in there. LOL. You litereally tear productive threads apart because you dont agree with a technique or product even WHEN YOU HAVE ZERO EXPERIENCE WITH THESE TECHNIQUES OR PRODUCTS !!!!! At least have the common sense to know what you are arguing against before flapping your gums.

You dont question a product you flat out attack it and anyone who likes it or has experience with it.:wall: You feel compelled to make everyone conform to your beleifs and feeling which are NOT based on facts or science. I honestly dont think you realize how negative you are and what a negative vibe you are giving this comunity. Telling people they have to put the ignore on you shows how little you care about what other people think. WE shouldnt have to. Why dont do you everyone else on here a favor and edit yourself and stop being so negative. You cant because you feel so compelled to tell everyone else what to do and you LIKE insulting people and belittling them. Makes you feel bigger I guess....
I agree half of us need to bitchslap the other half of RIU users, because half of us wake up cranky and argue with other people advice to make them selves look like TopDawg. Im sick of it, but I think the real issue is that were all smokin pot and gettin cranky. Nothing gonna change because its a pot smoking place and potheads get cranky. including myself. after reading legally flying's post where called my advice a FAIL even though I got it from the sunlight supply catalog. I understand you wanting to bitch slap. Thats just the way it is..
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