Bushcrafting, the weed addition: Bugout patch

They are comming along huh !? My only issue is i wish you would post more.. so i have more reading material and pics to look at:peace:..j/k. I knw how it goes. I give u tons of credit for visiting them as much as you do/can,,, and enjoying the outdoors as you do..
I don't know my RIU password, but it's stored on one of my laptops. So I only post when I'm where that laptop is. One of these days I will have to figure out what it is.
One day this week I built a rain catcher. Note that it is not meant to be stealth. I had planted a food plot with corn, peas and melons a few weeks back. It came up, but was needing water in a big way. The property owner is an old timer, but he still hunts a little. He commented that it was a shame the corn was twisting so. That he would carry some water if he was able. I offered to make the rain catcher. I used a cheap tarp. Just couldn't bring myself to cutting a hole in one of the good ones.

I folded the tarp in half, then folded it again the other way to find the center. Then I cut out a 4" square hole.

It took some time to get the tarp tight and all four corners the same height. Working by yourself can be a chore.


I cut a stick and tied it to a 5 gallon bucket after threading it through the hole.



I didn't dig the hole for the trash can until I had the tarp in place. Too much adjusting to trust doing it before.


Now if it would just rain.
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Yes can flower any time of the year. I am very similar to these seasons re: Hawaii. Similar coordinates on those lines. My shortest day is 11:20 and longest is 12:38
That would be nice in some ways, like always having fresh smoke. But I love the seasons too. Tomorrow my day is only going to be 42 seconds longer than today. That means the giant solar roller coaster in the sky is almost to the top, and I have that long dive down the other side to look forward to. Summer is right around the corner.

Speaking of which, we hit 94F this afternoon. I heard on the BBC that your neighbor {Thailand} had broken the all time high temp record in over half of their official weather station locations in the last month or so. Are you getting any of that weather where you are?
That would be nice in some ways, like always having fresh smoke. But I love the seasons too. Tomorrow my day is only going to be 42 seconds longer than today. That means the giant solar roller coaster in the sky is almost to the top, and I have that long dive down the other side to look forward to. Summer is right around the corner.

Speaking of which, we hit 94F this afternoon. I heard on the BBC that your neighbor {Thailand} had broken the all time high temp record in over half of their official weather station locations in the last month or so. Are you getting any of that weather where you are?
We are in the start of rainy season here which for me (being on the coast) is about 30 minutes a day, which have started early morning so I keep the fan on. Temps are hovering in the mid 90's and lows around 80 with about 50% humidity
Edit: 70% humidity today
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For future reference Larry, If you dont want to put a hole in a tarp you can rope up one end out straight and tight and funnel shape the other. The funnel can then feed the water tank and its easy to get to as its not under the tarp. Will still need the good old heavy stick/log to "shape" it and to keep it from flapping around.
For future reference Larry, If you dont want to put a hole in a tarp you can rope up one end out straight and tight and funnel shape the other. The funnel can then feed the water tank and its easy to get to as its not under the tarp. Will still need the good old heavy stick/log to "shape" it and to keep it from flapping around.
I've got a tarp shelter/rain collector planned for the land where the AL patches are. Instead of laying my tarp over the ridgeline, I will tie a loop in the cord at each end of the tarp. When I'm sleeping there, I will pull the tarp up tight, making the center higher than the sides. When I'm not camping, I will lower the center, making it into a V shaped rain catcher.