• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



New Member
And here again, the pebble is dropped into the well ... and the splash will never come.

I, for one, am proud to have a president who sticks by his convictions. Turning the Middle East into democratic governments makes a lot of sense when looking at the whole picture. Iran is the biggest threat. Iran is sending insurgents into Iraq to kill our military men/women. Pulling out of Iraq would be a disaster, not only for the Iraqi people who have trusted us to stay the course, but a disaster to the entire Middle East as well. I'm with my president ... stay the course, step up the pressure and kill as many insurgents as we can.

Drink up boys, drink up. I'd have thought Vi would have had more sense than to agree with Bush, but again, I'm wrong. If you need me to post reasons why Bush was wrong, you have been brainwashed and there is no use reasoning with you, again, drink up boys drink up!


New Member
yeah, we should pull out and let the next generation deal with our cowardice...
Well said, 7x.

So far, I haven't heard any of the naysayers on this board come up with any valid alternatives to the situation in the Middle East. Hell, not just in this forum ... but any of the Democrats who now hold power in the Congress and Senate. All empty suits. What was "The Plan" they kept talking about? The "100" hours are up.



New Member
So far, I haven't heard any of the naysayers on this board come up with any valid alternatives to the situation in the Middle East. Hell, not just in this forum ... but any of the Democrats who now hold power in the Congress and Senate. All empty suits. What was "The Plan" they kept talking about? The "100" hours are up.
Maybe the Democrats are too smart to own this War which is what happens if they make any major changes, If it were up to me, I'd cut and run, all the way to kuwait and hop a plane or a ship and beat it out of there, thats my plan, what's yours, sacrifice a few thousand more lives to end up with a Sharia law government, a puppet of Iran. That is the Boulder in the road for Bush. He knows he's screwed the pooch and doesn't know how to get out.


New Member
"thats my plan, what's yours"

My plan? My plan would be to pull out all the stops. I'd have troops on the Iran/Iraq border like white on rice. No holds barred. No more political correctness either. Caught as a terrorist coming across the Iran/Iraq border? Shot on sight. Caught supporting the terrorists in Iraq? Shot on sight. Hiding in a mosque? Shot on sight. I would unleash the power of the military and let the generals run the war instead of politicians. Poll numbers? Who cares. Unpopular? Who cares.



New Member
"thats my plan, what's yours"

My plan? My plan would be to pull out all the stops. I'd have troops on the Iran/Iraq border like white on rice. No holds barred. No more political correctness either. Caught as a terrorist coming across the Iran/Iraq border? Shot on sight. Caught supporting the terrorists in Iraq? Shot on sight. Hiding in a mosque? Shot on sight. I would unleash the power of the military and let the generals run the war instead of politicians. Poll numbers? Who cares. Unpopular? Who cares.

Maybe the rest of the world cares Vi, we are not God. We should not walk around this planet primping our hair and declaring we are the worlds rulers. We should start with this theory right is right, not might makes right. Our bullying of the world is our downfall. That is why the majority of the world hates our guts. The Who cares attitude of our leaders says to the rest of the world, Fuck you, we're the big dogs and we'll take what we want. That is not the way to win friends and influence people. We need to get back to world diplomacy, not dominance!


New Member
We need to get back to world diplomacy, not dominance!

We tried diplomacy. Fifteen + resolutions at the U.N., remember? Saddam disregarded every one of them. He blocked the U.N. inspectors too, remember? Also, remember the Marine barracks in Beriut? The Cole? The first Trade Center bombing? 9-11? And you want what ... a circle jerk? *lol*



Well-Known Member
It cracks me up when I here people call it "Bush's War". In America, we need Congressional Authorization to go to war. Everybody lined up to be Patriotic and vote to go to war, Dems and repubs alike. And yes, we were duped by false intell. Intell we got from Italy, germany, britain, our own guys, etc.
And don't tell me Bush made it all up. In one post people say Bush can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground, then they say he is so smart he can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Which is it?
The truth is this.....
Saddam Hussien needed to show his "Force" because he was afraid of going back to war with Iran. he lost over 1,000,000 million soldiers and gobs of cash. He was afraid to appear weak so he needed to look like he had all the weapons to fend off a possible iranian attack. So in all his brilliance, he thought he would give all outward signs he had WMD because he was this powerful, omnipotent ruler whole could unleash fury if he so desired. Only he went too far with his shell game and it was his undoing. Had he actully came clean about his weapons capabilities, the U'S' may not have attack..... But maybe iran does.

All in all,
I do believe the war was a big mistake. But now that it is what it is, what do you do?
Leaving the place in such a quagmire would be assinine. We should help equipt and train the forces to take over and then get out.
We need to forceably disarm any militia that is causing havoc (Like Al Sadr) and if the goverment doesn't take kindly to it, we withdraw outside Baghdad until enough hell has broken loose that they will allow us to do what is needed to be done.

Baghdad is the hotspot. Outside of Baghdad, the vast majority of Iraq is calm or calming.

The United States Of America is an awesome country to live in. I am proud to be an American.

So please don't call me an idiot bush supporter (I'm not).
I am niether Dem Or Repub.
I vote independent. Mostly green party candidates.

But I do feel for the ordinary Iraqis in the sense that we went in there and tore up their country. I think maybe we should do waht we can to help rebuild it.

I also would HATE to see a Taliban type regime set-up residence where we have to revisit this whole scenerio in 5 or 10 years because they decide to harbor a terrorist entity.

I pray for our troops, and our troops families.

While I don't believe or condone the exact words of Vi, I do believe in the essence. We need to take the kid gloves off and really kick some ass. It's the only diplomacy some folks understand.

God Bless America and Puff Puff Pass,


New Member
And don't tell me Bush made it all up. In one post people say Bush can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground, then they say he is so smart he can pull the wool over everyone's eyes. Which is it?
Not Bush Wadsworth, Cheney and wolfowitz, bush was the puppet spokesman. Are you guys as dumb as you appear, believing that lying asshole, please, pass the fucking koolaid.


Well-Known Member
Well I'll come back to this when I have time to pick apart celtic's logic.
Unfortunatly I don't have that kind of time today.... I blew it all on the global warming thread.


New Member
God Bless America and Puff Puff Pass,
Celticman Although I do agree with some of your post, I find not blaming Bush and his henchmen for fabricating reasons to go to war a little Naive. I am for the troops 100% but against the war. You say, how can that be? Well having been there done that, I know of what I speak. War is hell. You wake up every day and check to see if you're missing any body parts, you thank the lord for being alive and beg for just one more day, cause if you can get through that day, you'll be one day closer to going home. The problem with this war is you don't know when your going home. Extension after extension, redeployment after redeployment, there are guys that have had to go back 4 fucking times. this is insanity. And this idea of winning in a civil war is even more insane. Maybe the Idea of a free Iraq sounded good to some in the begining, but enough is enough, time to pull the fuck out now! After all the real reason we are there is Profit and Oil, think about it. Why aren't we in Darfur expelling that dictator, Or a myriad of other countries without sufficient natural resourses? Quit being naive and look at reality, other than that, nice post.